Chapter 5

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Emma chose a royal blue dress like she promised Steve as she stood, checking herself in the mirror. She looked at the door as she heard Natasha come in, "Nat, how do I look?" She spun around so Natasha could get the full view of her dress. Her dress was a-line with a slit up the side to her upper thigh and a low cut top with spaghetti straps.

"You look beautiful. Blue is Steve's favorite color."

"I know. I promised I'd wear blue if he did the dishes." She looked back at Natasha, "what?"

Natasha sat on her bed, "what are you doing with Steve and Bucky?"

She shrugged, "nothing. Flirting. It's meaningless. Besides, Steve's too good for Sharon."

Natasha stood up, placing one hand on Emma's shoulder, "I know he is. But be careful. They're both a lot more sensitive than they seem." She turns to walk away but turns back to Emma, "and I mean careful for them, not for you." Natasha didn't say anything else as she left Emma alone in her room.

She heard a knock on the door, "come in!" She turned to see Loki in the doorway, "brother! Are you here to escort me?"

"I am Princess. You look beautiful." He stepped towards her, holding out his arm. She took it nervously as she walked with him, "how are you doing? You like it here?"

"I do Loki."

"Driving the boys crazy?"

"Not yet, but that's the plan." Emma was looking forward to seeing Steve and Bucky at the party. She wanted to dance with them, to flirt with them.

Loki stopped just outside of the party and looked at his sister, "just be careful okay?"

"I'll be fine Loki."

He brushed a tendril of hair from her face, "it isn't you I'm worried about." He opened the door, guiding her to Thor.

"Little one! You look beautiful. Sure to get all the attention tonight. How are you doing?"

"Um. I'm okay."

Thor laughed, "according to what I've been hearing, you've been riling up all the boys."

Emma blushed, "I wouldn't listen to everything Loki tells you."

"Oh? So you haven't been flirting with two super soldiers?" He saw the embarrassment on his sisters face. He turned to face her, "hey. It's okay. You're not a kid. Just make sure you know what you're doing is all."

"I know Thor, I'm fine." She looked back at Thor, "hey, is there any way that you could..." Before she could finish he winked at her, handing her Loki's flask.

"Thank you!" He brought his fingers to his lips as he walked away, leaving her alone to walk to the bar. "Can I have a glass?"

"Two glasses." She turns around to find those steel blue eyes smiling at her.

"Buck. Need some liquid encouragement to dance with me?" She pours some liquor from the flask into a glass and handed it to him. She blushed as he drank, eyeing her up and down.

"Definitely not doll, you look beautiful." He finished his drink and held out his metal hand.

She finished hers, putting the flask in her pocket and took his hand as he led her to the dance floor. He placed his flesh hand on her lower back as he held her other hand with his metal hand. "Usually people are afraid of the metal arm."

She looked at it and the up at him, "I'm not." She brought his metal hand to her lips, kissing it softly. Her other hand found his hair as he twirled her slowly around. As the song ended she went to kiss him on the cheek, but he moved his head, making her plant her lips firmly on his as she felt him pull her closer to his body. She moaned softly before pulling away, "well, that was...unexpected."

Bucky smiled down at her, "I'll take the moan as a good unexpected."

"Very much so." She pulled away from him trying to find Steve. She finally saw him near the exit. He motioned his head for her to follow him. She found him waiting for her on the roof. "Steve." She looked around to see candles lit on the table. He smiled down at her, turning on his iPod that he connected to a speaker. He reached out his hand to her which she took willingly. "I thought maybe you were upset at me dancing with Bucky."

He shook his head, "no no. We aren't together, you don't owe me anything. I just wanted to dance with you alone without anyone watching us." He held her close to him as her hand found his hair. He dropped her other hand, his hand joining his other at her waist. She put her other hand around his neck as he bent down to kiss her. His tongue found hers quickly, passionately, making her moan before he pulled away. "You look beautiful in blue."

She kept her hand on the nape of his neck. "I finished your book Steve. Care to explain now?"

Steve let out a small chuckle. "Emma is young, and at times, naive. She only sees the world from her limited view. But the world isn't always so black and white. She had just a myopic point of view of her life. She made impulsive decisions based on limited information. It shows that you don't always know the true intentions or reasons other people do things. It wasn't until Mr. Knightley helped her to change her view that she really grew into herself."

"I can see you as Mr. Knightley. Aware, considerate, moral sense of judgment." She hesitated for a moment, "are you my Mr. Knightley Steve?"

Steve took her hand, placing it at his neck with her other hand. He ran his fingers down her arm before placing his hand on her back. "I could be. If you let me." He knew he was treading dangerous water with her, but he found himself less and less in control.

She ran her fingers through his hair, "just mentor? Or..." In the book Emma falls in love with Mr. Knightley even though he was an older man.

"That's all I can be. For now." He leaned down, his lips next to her ear, "I want to kiss you again."


He smiled down at her, his eyes full of wanting, "as you wish." He brought a hand to her neck, pressing his lips more firmly against hers. Their tongues fervently tasted each other before they both had to break away for air. "Better than Buck?"

Emma laughed, "well, different, certainly." She stood on her toes, her lips finding his earlobe, biting softly. "I want you in my bed."

Steve moaned, "I can't. I shouldn't have kissed you already." Though he said the words, he didn't regret kissing her. It was the first time he felt something positive in a long time and it was exhilarating.

"I know. It'll be our secret Captain." She pulled his lips to hers more aggressively this time, making him moan again. "There's a spot in my bed when you can."

Steve ran his thumb over her lips, he never wanted to stop kissing her but he knew he couldn't do it again. "We should go to bed."

Emma placed her hands on his chest, "together?"

Steve moaned at her invitation but shook his head, "I wish. But no. You can't cause me any more trouble than you already have."

Emma laughed as she pulled away from Steve. She left him alone on the roof as she went to her room. She closed the door, leaning on it with her hand on her chest. She knew she was treading in dangerous territory; wanting both Steve and Bucky. She heard someone pause outside her door. She opened it as she saw Steve turn and enter into his own bedroom, shutting the door. She went to his door and knocked. Her lips finding his as soon as the door opened. He slammed the door behind her, lifting her up and pushing her against it. His hands cradled her ass as she wrapped her legs around him. He carried her to the bed laying her down gently, pinning her underneath him as his lips trailed down her chest to her cleavage. He peppered her cleavage with kisses and small bites before finding her lips again, his hand running up her thigh under her dress. She groaned as he pulled his lips away from hers, his hand still in place on her thigh. He shook his head, "I can't. I wish I could. You have no idea how much I wish I could. I'm sorry Em."

She grabbed his chin, making him look at her, "I know. Me too. I'm sorry. Don't apologize, I shouldn't have come in here." He rolled off of her, sitting on the bed trying to catch his breath. "I'll see you in the morning for a run." She winked at him before leaving him alone in his room.

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