Chapter 8

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After training, Emma decided to try and take her mind off of the super soldiers that she desperately wanted in her bed by exploring the nearby city. She found a market as she wandered through each of the vendors. She stopped and bought some daisies and a scarf from another stand. When she was buying some strawberries she saw some familiar blonde hair. She put the fruit in a bag and tried to find it again. She followed the blonde hair, recognizing it as Sharon's. "Didn't Steve say she was gone on a mission?" She found Sharon making out with some guy behind a stand. Emma walked up to them, ripping the guy off of Sharon, "you have got to be kidding me. What about Steve?"

She looked shocked as the guy looked at Emma, "who's Steve?"

Emma crossed her arms, "who are you?"

He looked at Sharon, "her boyfriend, Aaron."

"Boyfriend as in sleeping with?"

"Aaron, you don't have to answer her. Come on." Sharon tries to pull him away but he nods, confirming they were sleeping together.

Emma stormed away, leaving Sharon calling to her.

She made it back to the compound before Sharon, putting her strawberries in the fridge. She found a vase, putting the daisies in them and setting them on the table. Steve, Bucky and Loki walked into the kitchen to find her in there.

Loki looked at her cautiously, "why are you angry?"

Before she could say anything Sharon walked into the complex, her eyes pleading with Emma to keep her secret. Emma lunged at her, being caught by Loki, "I want to bring you on the edge of death just so I can bring you back and do it again, and again!"

Steve grabbed her hand, "Em, what's the matter?"

Sharon steps towards Steve, "obviously she's crazy. Look at her brother."

She motions to Loki and he lets go of Emma. "Watch it mortal."

Emma lets go of Steve's hand, "why don't you ask your girlfriend why she isn't on that mission she was supposed to be on."

Steve looks at Sharon confused. Emma feels Bucky place his hand on her back, trying to calm her down. Sharon comes up with some story about how the intel was wrong and she came back early, making Emma scoff. She turned towards Steve, "you can't honestly believe that." He doesn't say anything so she runs her fingers through his hair, pulling his lips to hers making him moan as she heard Bucky laugh and Loki groan. Steve forgot about everyone as he pulled her close to him, his tongue finding hers. Emma pulls away as everyone else enters the kitchen trying to figure out what was going on. She looks at Sharon, "tell him or I will." She leaves everyone in the kitchen, heading to her own room and slamming the door. She turns to find Bucky in her doorway when she hears someone enter her room. "What do you want Buck?"

He steps in and closes the door behind him, "what's going on?"

Emma looks at him, still seething, "Sharon has another boyfriend. I knew Steve was too good for her."

Bucky chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist, trying to get her to calm down, "aren't you fooling around with Steve?"

She hit him on the chest, harder than she meant to before wrapping her arms around his neck, "just some kissing, nothing else. He wouldn't do that."

Bucky shook his head, "no, he wouldn't. Are you going to tell Steve?"

"I want to, but what if he thinks I'm only telling him because I want him?"

"He won't doll. He'll believe you." He brought his lips to hers, trying to make her forget her anger for a moment before pulling away. "Sleep with me again? I sleep better with you next to me."

Emma smiled up at her sensitive super soldier, "I'd be happy to Buck. I like sleeping with you."

Bucky moaned as he kissed her again, his tongue dancing passionately with hers. "I want you doll."

Before she could say anything they were interrupted by a knock on the door. He pulled away from her as Steve entered her bedroom. Bucky nodded at them both and left them alone in her room, closing the door behind him. "Steve." She bit her lip trying to decide if she should tell him.

He crossed his arms, "something you want to tell me?"

"About Sharon? What I saw? What did Sharon tell you?"

"I want to hear from you." She could tell he was mad, but she didn't know why he was mad at her.

"I saw her making out with some guy named Aaron. He said he was her boyfriend."

Steve looked at her angrily, "so you make up stuff just so you can have me to yourself?"

"Steve, no! I'm not lying. How can you think I'm lying?" She couldn't help the tears as they started to fall.

"Because you just got here. How am I supposed to believe you over her?"

"How can you not Steve? Come on. You don't even like being around her. I feel you tense up every time she comes into the room."

"I knew you would be trouble when you got here." He turned and left the room before she could say anything.

She opened the door but didn't see him. She opened Bucky's door to find him on his bed reading. He looked up at her and saw her crying. He patted the bed next to him. "Doll, what happened?"

She laid in her spot on the bed crying into his chest. "He didn't believe me Buck."

He rubbed her back as she cried, "I'm sorry doll."

She didn't say anything else as she closed her eyes and fell asleep on his chest.

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