Chapter 6

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Emma woke up in the middle of the night to a scream. She opened her door to find Steve in the hallway in only shorts. "Well that's just, mean."

Steve smirked at her, calling her attention back to the scream, "it's Buck, he has nightmares sometimes from when he was the Winter Soldier."

He starts to go to Bucky's room but she grabs his arm. "I'll check on him. You need your sleep if you plan on trying to outrun me in the morning. And for the love of Odin, wear a shirt in the morning." She bites her lip at him as she knocks on Bucky's door, letting herself in.

"Buck? Are you okay?" She found him laying on the floor with a blanket. He also was without a shirt. "For fuck's sake, do you all sleep without shirts on? How is a girl supposed to control herself with all this super soldier meat running around."

Bucky sat up, laughing at her. "Well, I'm not running around, I'm in my own room. And I'm fine. I appreciate you checking on me though doll." She sat on his bed, patting the spot next to her. He stood up, sitting next to her, "I guess you ran into Steve, but decided to send him to bed?"

"Yeah." She smiled at him, looking at his military tags that hung over his chiseled chest and stomach. "You guys are going to be the death of me."

Bucky laughed, "funny I was thinking the same thing about you. I'm sure Steve has thought it too."

She laid down on his bed, "yeah, he said I was trouble."

He laid down next to her, running his metal hand through her hair, "you definitely are."

She rolled over to face him, propping herself on her elbow, resting her head in her hand. "It doesn't bother you? Me flirting with Steve?"

He shrugged as he laid on his back, offering her his chest, "no. Why should it?"

She lays her head on his chest, covering them both with a blanket. "I don't know."

"You don't belong to either of us. I don't care if you flirt with him, as long as you don't stop flirting with me."

She looked up at him to see him looking at her. "Deal." She reached up, grabbing his face and pulling his lips to hers. She brought her leg up over him feeling him hard underneath her as he grabbed her leg with his metal hand, making her moan. She pulled her mouth away from his, "good, because I can't choose."

Bucky laughed as he let go of her leg, his flesh hand gently rubbing her back. "Go to sleep doll."

She ran her fingers over his bare chest, looking at his military tags, "it's okay if I sleep here with you?"

"As long as you stop talking." They both laughed as she wrapped her arm around him and fell asleep.


Emma woke up early in the morning before Bucky, his arms wrapped around her. She heard him groan as she tried to sneak away. "I'm supposed to go running with Steve. It's the only way to not have to make my own breakfast." She heard Bucky laugh quietly as he loosened his grip on her, letting her go. She stood over him on the bed and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll see you later."

She left his room to find Steve leaving his own room. She thought he would be mad seeing her coming out of Bucky's room, but instead he smiled at her, "ready to run?"

She looked down, still in her pajamas, "I need to change first. Wait for me?" He just nodded and leaned against his door. She entered her room, leaving the door open letting him watch her as she changed. She brushed her hair quickly, putting it up out of her face. When she finished she found him in her doorway. "What?" She smirked at him, knowing exactly what. He entered her room, closing the door behind him. "Wanting a different kind of cardio this morning Captain Rogers?"

He nodded and moaned as he grabbed her by the waist, them both falling onto her bed with him on top of her. "I want you." He pinned her arms above her head with one hand as his lips found her neck, kissing and biting.

Emma moaned as she felt him hard on top of her as he pressed his body firmly against hers. "Steve. Stop."

He pulled back to look at her, "you don't want to?"

"Oh I do. I really do. But you can't. That isn't who you are. And I won't have you compromise yourself for me."

He groaned but stood up. "I know. I know. I don't know what's wrong with me." He smiled down at her as she sat up, "are you sure you aren't the goddess of love and not healing?" He leaned down to her, placing his hands on either side of her.

"I'm sure." She kissed him softly on the lips before pushing him away, "come on, let's go run. Or we can just go straight to you making me breakfast if you prefer."

Steve laughed as he opened her door. "No. We should at least exercise first."

She laughed as she followed him out of her room, to the track. After inevitably beating him she sat at the table like usual drinking her coffee as Bucky came into the kitchen. "You're up early."

He growled as he sat down next to her, "I'm not used to sleeping in the bed, it got cold after you left."

She looked worriedly to Steve, anticipating anger, but he just laughed and set coffee in front of his friend. "Thank you Steve."

Emma looked from one to the other, confused. "So you're both okay with this?"

Steve shrugged as he set plates of food in front of her and Bucky before getting his own, sitting across from her like he always did. "You don't belong to either of us."

Bucky laughed, "that's what I said. As long as she didn't stop giving me attention too."

Steve shrugged again and leaned forward, "as long as what happens in Bucky's room stays there and I don't have to hear about it, it doesn't bother me."

Emma looked at Bucky, "yeah, what he said."

She leaned back in her chair looking from one to another as they started talking. She zoned out thinking about being with them both. She started to blush when she saw Steve watching her.

"Now you're thinking about being with us both at the same time aren't you?"

"What? No! Fuck." She stood up and hurried out of the kitchen as she heard them laughing behind her.

Eir Odinsdottir ❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora