Chapter 3

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As Emma and Bucky stepped into the conference room they saw everyone else was already there. They sat down in the only two empty seats, hers next to Steve. She looked over at him and smiled as Sharon gave her a dirty look. Emma rolled her eyes and looked back to the front where Tony was. "So we're here because we have a new member of the team." He motioned to Emma and she stood up next to him, waving at everyone. "Can you tell us about your abilities?" Tony sat down in her seat as she looked out over everyone.

"Well," she looked at Steve, winking, making him blush, "I'm fast." She looked at Bucky, "and I was trained as a Valkyrie, so I can fight."

She laughed as Bucky shook his head, whispering "of course."

"And," she motioned for Bucky to stand next to her. He handed her the knife and his hand already knowing what she wanted. Everyone gasped as she sliced his hand. She didn't kiss him this time, she waved her hand over his to heal it. "Thanks Buck." He sat back down as she looked back at everyone, "I can heal. And take pain for a short amount of time. Bigger the wound, the more the pain, the more energy it takes." She looked at Bucky, "throw your knife at me James." She put her hand on the table and made a barely visible bubble around her. She saw Bucky hesitate, but she nodded her head in encouragement. She watched as he threw it at them making everyone flinch as it fell to the floor outside the bubble. She released it and smirked, "I can do a lot more than that." She looked down at the table feeling a little nauseous. "I just need to learn to do it without the energy drain." She looked at Bucky again, "throw it again."
He threw it again, this time as he threw the knife she used her bubble to send the knife flying back at him as he caught it.

"What the fuck?"

She shrugged at Bucky's annoyance. "I knew you would catch it. You are the knife man after all, aren't you?" She heard everyone laugh as they heard Bucky growl.

Steve leaned back in his chair watching her, "protection huh?"

She nodded, motioning for him to stand next to her. Once he was next to her she made another bubble around just the two of them. "The bubble is sound proof. They can see us but not hear us. So I can say that I saw you were able to lift Mjolnir but pretended not to."

Steve laughed as he crossed his arms, looking at the confused looks in the room and then back at her, "our little secret, yeah?"

"I look forward to having more secrets with you Captain." She took a step towards him, "in fact, can I talk to you about the book later? On the roof?"

He nodded, "I'd like that."

She turned to the confused faces and let the bubble go. "I can make the bubble sound proof as well."

Tony stood back up, "and you plan on sticking around for a while?"

She looked at Sharon who just looked annoyed, "I do. As long as you'll have me." She looked up as Loki left the meeting. She followed him, finding him on the roof. "What is your problem?"

"Nothing Eir. I'm sorry."

"Loki." She grabbed his arm, making him look at her. "I'm not a kid anymore, you have to let me grow up."

He scoffed, wrapping his sister in a hug. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry." When he let go he looked behind her, seemingly annoyed. She turned around to see Steve coming towards her. "Just be careful little sister." He walked away, growling at Steve as he passed him.

Steve laughed as he made his way to Emma. "So you missed it, after you left, Tony announced another party at the end of the week."

"Are there a lot of those?" She laughed as she sat on a table.

"Yeah, there really are." Steve sat next to her. "So, the book?"

She hesitated, "you don't think I'm like Emma from the book do you?"

"Have you finished it?" He watched her, seemingly annoyed.

"Not yet. But you didn't answer my question."

He smirked at her, "finish the book and I will."

His answer annoyed her. He thought she was spoiled. Why else would he give it to her?

He knew he had upset her with the book. He was worried she would think he gave it to her because he thought she was spoiled. But that definitely wasn't it. He decided to change the subject, "so you heal?"

"I can." She looked at him, placing her hand on his, "I can't heal a broken heart though."

He looked down at her hand, turning his over so he could hold it. "No. No one can." He cleared his throat, letting go of her hand, crossing his arms.

"Why are you with her if she makes you so miserable Steve?" She stood up, standing in front of him so he had to look at her.

"It's complicated." He shrugged and hung his head down.

She took a step towards him, grabbing his arms to make him relax. She placed her hands on his cheeks, pulling his face up to look at her. "I hope it isn't because you believe no one else could love you. Because that just simply wouldn't be true." She leaned forward, kissing him on the lips as she felt his hands rest softly at her waist. Her hands moved to his hair as she took a step closer, her tongue gently parting his lips. He moaned as he tightened his grip on her waist, pulling her firmly to him.

He cleared his throat as he pushed her away, "I shouldn't have done that."

"You didn't. I did." She let go of him, just looking at him and feeling rejected for the second time since she got there. "It's fine. We can pretend it never happened." She tried to hide her tears as she left him sitting alone on the roof.

Steve sat alone on the roof for what seemed like forever thinking about the kiss he shared with Emma. It made him feel things he never felt with Sharon. Was Emma right? Was he just with Sharon because he didn't want to be alone? Because he didn't think anyone else would love him? He enjoyed the kiss, the way her lips felt on his. The way her tongue tasted as it softly teased his. And he certainly couldn't deny how he felt when his arms were wrapped around her, or how hers felt in his hair.  

Eir Odinsdottir ❤️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें