Chapter 2

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Emma was in her room after the party looking at the bookshelf for something to read when she heard a knock on the door. She smiled when she saw Steve in her doorway, "Captain Rogers, come in."

He nodded and stepped into her room. "I just wanted to welcome you, officially. And to make sure you knew if you needed everything that I'm here." He looked down at the book in his hand, "oh, and I brought this for you."

Emma accepted the book, it was 'Emma' by Jane Austen. "Thank you Steve. I was just looking for something to read." She looked up at him and could feel that something was bothering him. She put her hand on his arm and could feel it even stronger, "are you okay Steve?"

He pulled his arm from her. He wasn't sure yet what she could do. "I'm fine. Read the book. I should go."

Emma stepped towards him, "is that an order Captain?"

Steve looked down at her green eyes. He could see it now, she looked like Thor. She was beautiful, and something about her made his heart race. She was flirting with him, and he liked it even if he didn't want to. He liked hearing her call him Captain. He didn't say anything as he bit his lip and left, shutting the door behind him.


Emma woke up early the next morning after having read most of the night. She wondered if Steve thought her to be like the Emma from the book. She hoped not. She was impulsive and meddlesome and a brat. She hoped Steve didn't see her that way. She found some running clothes and found the track she had seen when they landed the day before. When she makes it outside she sees Steve already running the track.

He stopped running, walking over to her when he saw her step out onto the track, "Emma, good morning."

"Steve. Hi. Getting some exercise in?" She looked at her watch, "it's early."

He stands all sweaty and out of breath beside her as her eyes surveyed his muscles protruding through his tight shirt. "Yeah, I usually run this early. Nobody is usually awake. So you're Thor's sister?"

She clears her throat, bringing her eyes back to his. She noticed he was smirking at her, having noticed her checking him out. "I am."

"Wanna race? Maybe you can finally give me some competition."

Emma laughed, "okay. But make it interesting?"

Steve watched her bite her lip, knowing full well she was trying to tease him. He enjoyed the female attention, it had been so long since he felt the rush of someone coming on to him. "How so?"

She shrugged, "whoever loses makes breakfast?"

Steve laughs, standing next to her, getting ready to run, "I hope you make good eggs. Ready? 1, 2, 3."

Off they went. Emma let him start in the lead, not wanting to bruise his ego. But she soon passed him, making it back to the starting line first. "What were you saying?" She stood, with her hands on her waist, panting. He was faster than she had expected him to be.

He only laughed, looking her up and down. She was a few inches shorter than him, petite with long lean muscles which were easy to see in her leggings and bra. "I said I was looking forward to making you breakfast." He motioned for her to walk ahead of him as he surveyed her backside.

"Don't be staring at my ass back there, Captain Rogers." She turned to look at him, walking backwards. She laughed when she saw him blush. "It's okay, you can look. I wouldn't let your girlfriend see though." She winked at him before turning back around, opening the door to the compound, letting him enter first.

He turned around quickly as he passed her, knowing full well she was doing what he just did. "You're going to be trouble. I know it."

Emma threw her head back laughing as they entered the kitchen. She poured herself a cup of coffee while she watched Steve cook her breakfast. After a while he came over and set eggs, bacon and toast in front of her. He grabbed her coffee cup and refilled it before sitting down with his own plate, sitting across from her.

She grabbed some bacon, taking a slow bite, "mmm, tastes like victory."

Steve didn't say anything as he watched her eat her breakfast. "Try again tomorrow?"

"I'd love for you to make me breakfast everyday Captain Rogers."

Steve cleared his throat, he enjoyed hearing her call him that. She didn't say it like everyone else. She was teasing, flirting when she said it, and he loved it. Before he could say anything Loki came into the kitchen. He stood at the table looking back and forth between them, "I don't know what's going on here, but I don't like it."

Emma laughed as she stood up, "don't like what? Breakfast?" She winked at Steve as she placed her dishes in the sink and started to walk away.

Steve stood up, "no no. I made breakfast, you do the dishes."

She stood at the sink looking at him, biting her lip, "help me?"

"Fine. We'll negotiate better tomorrow." He turned the water on as she started cleaning the dishes, him rinsing and drying.

They hear someone yelling down the hall, "Steve?" Emma feels him tense up at Sharon's voice as she walks into the kitchen, looking at them.

Emma looked at Steve who was about to say something, but she interrupted him, "Sharon right? Good morning. We were just finishing breakfast."

Sharon crossed her arms, scowling. "Did you make any for me?"

Steve dried his hands and handed the towel to Emma, "sorry, we didn't. I didn't know when you'd be up." Emma watches as he awkwardly kisses her on the cheek, "I'm gonna go to the training room."

Emma smiles at Sharon and follows Steve out of the kitchen, following him to the training room. She finds him already hitting a punching bag. "Why are you with her?"

He just looks at her angrily and then goes back to the punching bag. "You can't be flirting with me."

"You liked it, I know you did. You've been flirting back."

He hung his head down for a minute, "I know. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."

She touched his shoulder, "I liked it too."

He shrugged her off, shaking his head. He hit the bag, making it fly across the room. "I'm sorry."

She watches as he starts to walk away, "well, I'll be running again in the morning if someone wants to join me." He stops at the doorway for a moment before leaving the training room. As she starts to make her way to the door she sees Bucky enter. "Bucky! Good morning! Want to spar? I feel like hitting something."

Bucky smiles at her, getting into position. "Sure doll."

Emma takes a stance, "besides, fighting is sort of like dancing." She lunges at him, him dodging out of the way, "I like you calling me doll by the way. Although most people back home call me Princess." She did a smal curtsy, knowing this would throw Bucky off as he wasn't able to dodge her next attack sending him flying back. He used his metal hand to stabilize himself. He looked up at her, knowing she was trying to distract him. He smirked as he lunged at her, but she jumped out of the way. She turned quickly, jumping to grab his head between her thighs, flipping him on his back, her straddling him. "I win."

Bucky laughed, grabbing her at the waist, "you know, somehow I don't mind. And I'm not calling you Princess." She laughed at him as she stood up, holding her hand out to him, helping him up. "So what do you do doll? Besides pin people to the ground."

She smirked at him, "what? Being between my legs isn't good enough?" He blushed as she pulled his knife out of his pocket. She grabbed his hand, "trust me, okay?" Bucky nodded as she took the knife, making a small cut in his hand. She handed him the knife as she bent her lips down to his cut, kissing it. When she removed her head, his hand was healed. "I don't have to kiss you to do it, that was more for dramatic effect."

He looked down at his hand, "you can't even tell you cut me. That's amazing."

"I can heal. Small stuff is easy. It takes a lot of energy to heal bigger wounds. I can only take the pain away from you for a short amount of time, because of the energy drain."

They heard over the PA about there being a team meeting. "We better go. Come on Buck."

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