Chapter 7

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Emma knocked on Bucky's door, waiting for him to answer, which he did with a smile. "What can I help you with doll?"

She showed him the book Steve gave her, "I finished Emma. I thought you could recommend another book?"

Bucky went to his bookshelf and handed her a book.

"The Hobbit?" She turned the book over to read the back.

"There's more where that came from doll. I think you'll like it." He stood close to her as she sat on his desk and he watched her read the back of the book. He wanted her, and enjoed flirting with her. But he wasn't sure if it was just flirting with her or if she wanted him too.

Emma looked up at Bucky, "I can feel your uncertainty James. What are you uncertain about?" She hopped off his desk, pressing her body to his. "I can assure you, I want you as well." She walked away before he could kiss her, "I'll see you later for sparring James."

Emma walked across the hall to Steve's room, finding him sitting at his desk. She closed the door behind her as he looked up at her. "Emma."

She sat on his desk like she had with Bucky's. She held out the book he gave her, "I came to return your book Captain."

Steve stood up from the desk, positioning himself between her legs. He pushed the book back to her, "keep it. It's for you." Emma sat the books on the desk and pulled him to her by his belt making him moan.

He looked at the books, picking up the one that he knew was from Buck, "Bucky give you a new book?"

She grabbed the book from him, setting it to the side, "he did. I want more secrets Captain."

Steve moaned as he leaned his hands on the desk on either side of her, his face inches from hers, "I can't. I want to, you have no idea how I want to. But I can't." He could feel her breath on his face. He could smell the coconut in her hair. He wanted to take her right there on the desk.

Emma sighed, "shame." She hopped off the desk, her body against his as she grabbed the books from his desk, her eyes never leaving his. "I'll see you later Captain Rogers."

Emma went back to her room to put her books away. She tied her long hair on top of her head before she changed into a sports bra and tennis shoes to meet Clint in the training room.

"Emma. There you are!" He tossed her a sword that she caught easily.

"Here I am." She did a half bow.

"So, we all need to see what you excel most at. So after sword fighting we will move on to the bow. Okay?"

"Sounds good." She takes a step back, moving her body sideways, pointing the sword towards him. She was quicker than he was, bettering him quickly as she reached her hand out to help him off the floor. "You okay?" She could tell she bruised his ego a bit as he stood up. But she also felt the pride from him. She laughed as he led her to the shooting range.

She was no good with the bow much to Clint's amusement. "So you aren't good at everything? That's good to know."

"My turn." They turned around to find Bucky.

"Sergeant Barnes."

"I'll leave you guys to it." Clint left her alone with Bucky as he pulled out a gun and knives.

"Let's see what you can do doll." He handed her a gun, pressing his body against her back. He kicked her legs into a proper position before grabbing her hands. He held her hands on the gun, aiming at the target.

Emma could feel Bucky's breath on her neck as he pressed his body against hers. She could feel the hunger radiating off of him as it mixed with her own. "James."

Bucky chuckled, knowing full well he was making her uncomfortable, "yes doll."

"I can't think with you that close. All I can feel is how much you want me." Her breath began to quicken.

He leaned his mouth to her ear, "you want me too. Now, shhh. You need to slow your breath."

Emma closed her eyes and tried to forget that he had his arms around her, his body pressed firmly against hers. She calmed herself before firing the gun. She landed them all on the target, but no where near the center. She turned to face Bucky as he pressed his body against hers. His lips found hers urgently as he lifted her, pressing her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around him as his tongue found hers, making her moan. He pulled his face away, both of them out of breath, "James."

He set her back on the ground, "sorry."

"Don't be. I wanted you to. Just," she held her hand up to him, "give me a minute."

Bucky backed up from her, smirking, "take your time doll."

She picked up the knives. She saw Bucky start to make his way back to her, "no. Stay there." She heard Bucky laugh as she turned back to the target. She threw the knives, each landing on the bullseye.

He stepped back towards her, "I'm impressed doll." She knew she had met her match with the flirting. He was ready and willing to tease her and kiss her where Steve wasn't.

She stepped towards him, "kiss me one more time before I have to walk away."

He didn't say anything as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into a more sensual kiss. She was surprised at how gentle he was as she brought one hand to his neck, pulling his lips to hers as she heard him moan. "I want you doll."

She pulled out of his grip, "I know. Come on." She led him to the fighting room to find Steve and Wanda waiting for them already. Steve was in his full Captain America stealth suit with his shield on his back. She hadn't seen him dressed in full uniform before now. She couldn't take her eyes off him as she imagined removing the uniform from his body.

Steve noticed Emma watching him in his uniform. He enjoyed the attention she gave him, even if it made him feel guilty. "Emma. So I talked to Clint. Yes to swords, no to bows." He looked at Bucky, "Buck?"

"Yes to knives. No to guns."

Emma shot daggers at Bucky, "hey! I hit the target. You distracted me." Steve looked from Bucky to Emma, feeling a little jealous until Emma looked at him.

Bucky interrupted his thoughts, "fine. She's no sniper. She's better with knives though."

Steve took a step towards her, "okay, want to practice the shield? Pushing it out."

Emma smirked at them. "Wanda, stand behind me." Wanda stepped behind Emma and Bucky stood next to Steve. Emma took a second to concentrate as she made the shield, pushing it all with everything she had towards Steve and Bucky, sending them both flying backwards on the floor. They both looked annoyed as they stood up and her and Wanda laughed. "Now let's fight boys."

Steve looked from Bucky back to her, "both of us?"

Emma made a stance, "of course." They both lunged at her, they were both stronger than her. But she was quicker than them both, easily able to dodge them. She dodged Steve's lunge as she turned quickly, taking the shield from his back and tossing it at Bucky who caught it. He threw it to Steve but she used her power to send the shield flying away from them, distracting Steve long enough for her to lunge at him, knocking him to the ground as she straddled him on the floor. "I win Cap." She leaned down, her face inches from his as she felt how much he wanted her, "excuse me." She heard Bucky lunge for her as she jumped off Steve, leaping at Bucky, using all her body weight to bring him down to the floor underneath her as well. She stood up, laughing, "that was fun boys. Maybe next time you won't take it so easy on me."

"I have to go. I'll see you guys later." Bucky winked at her as he left the room.

"Me too. We should work on how far we can expand your bubble Emma." Wanda smirked at Emma.

Emma turned to Wanda, "sure." Emma watched Wanda leave before turning back to Steve. He started to walk away but she grabbed his hand, "Steve. Wait." She pressed her body against his, "I like the uniform Captain."

He reached forward, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "You're not going to stop are you?"

She laughed, leaning her mouth up to his ear. She nibbled softly on his ear, "not until you tell me to." She heard him moan as she pulled away, taking a step away from him. "Do you want me to stop Captain?"

He looked down at her, knowing he should say yes. He knew he needed to tell her to stop, but he couldn't. He spoke softly, "no," before walking away.

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