26; Summer nightmares

Start from the beginning

"I think is fine, as long as we can actually manage to sail past that storm again"

Irene's voice is mumbled, not that concerned, but more realistic. Isaac gulps anyway. Vague and lost memories from the night he arrived at the island come back to him. The storm was terrible, sending him flying from one part of the boat to the other. He was forced to take down the sails as quickly as possible, and hold on for dear life. Isaac remembers his head hitting the walls of the boat, his fingers scratching up and bleeding terribly from his harsh hold on the wood around him. But he was lucky, the storm lead him to an island. Getting out of the storm could be different though.

Both he and Irene had their boats ripped to pieces upon arriving here. If that happens after the storm again, they won't be finding refuge at an island, they'll be at the open sea instead. What could save them there, if they're passed out laying over nothing but broken pieces of a boat. They could drown while being completely out of it, why hadn't they thought of this before? Although, Irene is positive. She knows that controlling a boat is much harder alone, and that they might be able to do it safely together. Sure they will.

"If we leave, we aren't coming back, are we?"

Irene nods absentmindedly, smile increasing as the second pass without a leak or problem in sight. Isaac sighs, finally calming down from his struggled breathing but still sweating terribly under the harsh sun.

"Then if we die while trying to escape, will it be worth it?"

Isaac's wavering, unsure, negative voice rings hesitantly through the air. He is insecure about saying this, both because he doesn't want Irene to be mad, and because he is genuinely afraid of dying at sea now. Maybe Irene's negative reaction would be worse. They have already had multiple conversations about this, and every time Irene gets more and more annoyed at him bringing it up. While restoring the boat, Isaac has asked every day if she would reconsider, constantly proving to Irene that her brother is still against the idea of leaving the island, still stuck on these lying people and their lying ways. She gets more and more mad. Of course they should try to leave! This is no better than hell.

"We don't belong here Isaac, I've already told you this. We don't have a place in their society and they will, sooner or later, hate us for it.

It's human nature to hate the thing that is unfamiliar. The people of Athens voted the person they hated the most to be thrown out of the city, every single year in Ancient Greece. Well these people are Greek, these people are practically ancient and frankly we are the people they hate the most. It's better we leave before they force us out themselves"

Isaac's shoulders slump, just like they do every time Irene rejects his offer to stay here. Some people might have rebelled, he could've left his sister, it's not like she could've stopped him. But Isaac and Irene will never part, not again. They have been each other's only family for many years, and that's not going to change. Not to mention, Isaac could never let his sister leave alone, and he could never force her to stay here either, considering how badly they seem to have treated her. He's torn between sticking together, finding comfort and not having his sister be hurt and scared for the rest of her life.

The boat floats. What can he do?

Penelope rolls her eyes.

There's a reason she finds the people of the Gods annoying, and that's literally because they are so annoying. This man, Eros, named after the god Eros, and his friend Niko are the representatives from the Gods side. Eros, he's the annoying one. His hair is so black it's almost blue, and he shines so brightly just like his sparkling black eyes. Seriously, he shines a lot. Like his entire face is the sun. Constantly smiling, always giving compliments and totally over the top.

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