"You...you think that there is a witch willing to help a vampire break out a bunch of vampires? Just like that? You must be delusional." I stated while trying to control my laughter and believe me, it wasn't an easy task.

"If you were willing to do it, I'm sure I could persuade another witch to do it as well." his cockines coming out to play which only made me shake my head amused.

"Sure, I guess you could. It wouldn't be easy but you could probably find some witch somewhere in the future. I just find it funny that you think a witch would do such a task out of the kindness of their heart. No, darling, there will be a heavy price to pay for it. Whereas I'm here being a great welcoming committee and offering my help for free. The only thing I want is to protect the people that I care about."

I was hoping he would agree to my terms right away, but even if he were to decline my offer, he would have surely come crawling in the future. There is no witch that would drain her magic to let out a bunch of vampires without someone paying a hefty price for it.

The wheels in his head started turning, his cocky expression disappearing, only to be replaced by an annoyed one. He was pissy but nodded anyway. Damn, he will certainly be pissed when he finds out that Katherine isn't in the tomb.

"Great. Here is the contract." I took out a paper from my bag with my blood spilled on it and my signature over it. He eyed it suspiciously but I ignored it and simply gestured for the paper "Cut your finger and let the blood drip here, then sign it here, over the blood."

He obviously wasn't happy nor comfortable with the whole situation but too bad. I don't care about his feelings. I only care about people that were on the list in the contract. After he signed it, I took the contract and packed it in my bag.

"I'll open the tomb tonight, see you there!" and with that said I was out. Damon's eyes followed me every step of the way until I left the Grill.

I thought about the contract that he just signed and grinned in satisfaction. It was the only way I could guarantee everyone's safety. He will need to stay away from Bonnie, Grams, Caroline, Jeremy, Tyler, Mason, and Alaric. He won't even be able to compel them which I'm delighted about. Why should everyone suffer by Damon's hand? Just because he is a paranoid asshole doesn't mean he can go around killing people left and right.

Correction he can kill anyone, besides my people, and I won't intervene. I only cared about 5 people and they were off-limits.

I wanted to save Mason for two reasons. The first reason is that Tyler cares about him and I'm protective of him, he's like a little brother to me. The second reason is his pack, Niklaus will need a pack to turn and if they're willing there won't be unnecessary problems later on. Alaric was killed by Damon so many times, no wonder Esther was able to convert him to the evil side. I really have no energy to deal with that drama as well. Better safe than sorry.

Great, one part is done, all I need is Emily Bennett's buried grimoire. Papa Salvatore, here I come. Tonight is the night of the comet so it's the perfect time to get this over with. I will be able to channel the power of the comet along with Emily's talisman.

The Bennett Siphoner - N.M., K.M., K.P.Where stories live. Discover now