Lessons at the ball

Start from the beginning

“Draco, there is no way we want to take your sisters away from you. .and believe me, they ate a pretty fool of you too. You always wanted a big brother. You purebloods seem to get your wishes fulfilled quite often, ”Dennis smiled.
."I suppose fate wants to do something good for us, or at least for Draco," Daphne said confidently.
Draco smiled charmingly at his sister, then looked around the grounds.
.the ball was held outside and the surroundings were just lovely. Even if it was swarming with people.
"She won't be here, will she?" He wanted to know.
“Oh, Draco, I'm sorry. .but she will definitely come to the ball for the ZAG students if you invite her. Even her parents can't forbid that, ”Ariel tried to cheer her son up.
“Why are they allowed to have children at all?” Dennis wanted to know angrily.
.each of them knew, of course, that they were talking about the Weasleys.
“Because they populate our world. Hardly any other family has as many children as the Weasleys. Rumor has it that Molly is already pregnant again. .I rather suspect that Arthur and his wife started this fairy tale themselves, ”Antonius grumbled.
"They are probably hoping to regain access to social events," Sirius suspected.
.“You can wait a long time for that. At some point the rumor will prove to be such and then your reputation will be even more in the bucket than it is now, "Severus sneered.
"Muggle proverbs are strange," said Draco.
."Not much stranger than the titles of the balls in the magical world," Harry pointed out.
“That's because we have so many. .At some point the wizards ran out of ideas for new names and so they got more and more stupid, ”Daphne explained.
"Like the title of this one?" Asked Harry, who had been looking around for a certain blonde the whole time.
."Uncle Lucius won't be here yet, he usually comes a little later and then makes an impressive appearance," Draco whispered to his friend.
Harry didn't even have the time to reply.
."Not exactly, the name 'New Sun' has more to do with the stupidity of the people back then," interjected Severus.
The students immediately hung on his every word, something that had become a habit over the past year. .as soon as the man opened his mouth, all the students were silent. However, no longer because they were afraid of him, as before, but because they respected their teacher.
"How is that?" Draco asked excitedly.
.Just because he grew up in the magical world didn't mean he knew all the stories and customs. It was the same with the Muggles. Very few knew about politics and the like.
.severus sighed, although he was more or less secretly enjoying his popularity and recognition, of course. Especially because kids were always honest about it. They showed you very clearly whether they liked you or not.

.“Wizards weren't always familiar with the stars, and compared to centaurs, they still don't. Interest in the night sky came later. .Back then, please don't ask me for the exact time now, Lexica would be the better contact person, in any case people once thought that the planets were constantly dying. "
"You do, someday," interrupted Draco.
.“Yes, but that's not how the magicians saw it. It was thought that a planet, like all other living things, would be born, have children and eventually die.
And no, I don't know how they imagined reproduction.
.only the earth would be an exception to this rule because so many magicians lived on it. Only through us would the planet not age but continue to exist. "
The students laughed at this stupidity and also Ariel, Sirius and Antonius smiled.

.Meanwhile a considerable audience had gathered, all listening to the heir of the noble Prince family.
This alone showed how little general knowledge the people here had. .wealth and power do not replace schooling. And that has been lacking in England for years. That was the only positive thing about Umbridge's interference, the lessons had improved significantly by now.
.In addition, the teacher was able to discover many magical beings among the guests and they were often not allowed to attend school but had to hide. Of course they now used every opportunity to expand their knowledge.
.Severus, however, did not allow himself to be disturbed by those present. The children had asked him something and he wanted to give them a decent answer. It was not for nothing that he had read so many books in his life. .what use is knowledge if it is not passed on?

“Of course this belief was utter nonsense. Wizards are no better than muggles, both of which believed they were the only reason the universe existed. .and some hold on to this belief to this day. "
“But what does that have to do with the name of this ball? Did people back then think the sun would die every night? ”Daphne wanted to know.
“No, they weren't that bad after all. .a solar eclipse was the reason. And now combine the things I just told you and tell me how the ball got its name, ”Severus asked his students.
.The man only got incomprehensible glances from the bystanders. At least by those who have been considered the “pillars of society” in recent years.
.'All fools, very few of them would even take a lesson with me,' thought Severus contemptuously.

The students had already solved the riddle, of course.
.“With a total solar eclipse, it gets dark in the middle of the day is already included in the word. Even the animals change their rhythm, ”Colin began.
."Because of the sudden darkness, people thought the sun was going to die," his brother continued.
"Or, she has already died," Daphne specified.
“They must all have been pretty scared. .after all, there is no life without the sun. Not even for wizards, ”Astoria said cynically.
“They had to be all the more relieved when it got light again. .but according to the beliefs of that time it was not 'her' sun that awoke to new life but a new one. Old Sun's child, ”Draco continued.
“And to celebrate this event, this ball was born. .the New Sun Ball, ”Harry concluded.
“Exactly, that is also the reason why this ball always takes place outdoors. No matter what the weather, "Severus finally explained to the enthusiastic youngsters.
.when he finished the people around started clapping. The magical beings were happy too, but probably for a different reason. Because they looked like they were really happy about the new knowledge. .the wizards, on the other hand, gave the impression that they had just attended a nice performance that was held especially to pass the time and amuse them.

.As soon as the people had calmed down, they began to rally around the teacher. Something Sirius didn't like at all, but he made a good face for the bad game.
“He will probably make a lot of acquaintances today. .With this display of knowledge, he made a lasting impression on the people here, ”said Antonius.
"But, Dad wasn't going to show off what he knew. .he just wanted to tell us the story behind this event, ”Harry mutinized.
“We know that, and some of them know it too, but they don't care. .severus has impressively proven that he is intelligent and educated. In addition, he can convey his knowledge well and then he also has a noble family tree and a lot of power. .In addition, he is married to Sirius Black and is the father of Harry Potter. The people here will not miss the opportunity to get to know him and to win him over. .don't forget what events like this are all about, ”Ariel said.
"Poor Sev, he hates being the center of attention."

Harry would have heard this wonderful voice out of thousands.
.slowly he turned and raised his head.
In front of him stood the most beautiful man he could imagine. Lucius Malfoy.
Of course, the aristocrat looked stunning again. He was dressed in expensive robes and exuded grandeur and power. .but without looking as ridiculous as most of the male guests.
Others had noticed his appearance and they left Severus immediately and now streamed to the blonde.
"Good afternoon, Mr. .malfoy, nice to see you again, ”Harry muttered.
“I'm also happy to see you. But why do you look so surprised? I wrote you in my letter that I would come. "
.lucius looked at the boy with a friendly smile, which only meant that he got some color again.
"Uncle Lucius, you're overwhelming our skunk," laughed Draco.
"Hello, dragon. No, I do not think so. Or Harry? "
"Yes," he admitted.
.just remembering the beautiful letter from the blonde made the young man quite different. In addition, he now remembered everything he had written in his letter. Awkward.
.lucius smiled and put a hand on the green-eyed man's back.
"What do you think if we free your father?" He whispered to him.
Harry immediately agreed and so they made their way through the wild pile.


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