15. JUiCy WiGgLe (PARTY!)

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Simon sighed as he closed the door to their room, irritated that Alvin followed him.

"For the last time, I'd rather stay home than go to some wild party Alvin!" Simon groaned.

"Hmph, Whatever introvert. I on the other hand, adore wild parties!"

"Uh-huh, wild weekends are your speciality. Anyways, leave me alone and go enjoy your brash party-" Simon said turning back to his phone.

"I on the other hand, will be just fine enjoying some brain teasers over here," He said going to his game. Only Simon could use such wierd apps.

Alvin shook his head disapprovingly and proceeded to wear his pitch black swimming trunks with a fabulous outlined red A written on the left side. He couldn't explain his fetish for having A's on everything. He adored his new trunks. He told Dave the party was starting two hours earlier than it actually was.

So now, he had to think of an excuse of why he would be two hours late.


Brittany grabbed her stuff and was just about to leave when she remembered. Water proof mascara, duh. She quickly applied it and was about to leave again until she noticed a crumpled up piece of pink paper by her vanity.

'What's this?' she said opening to read it aloud.

Although you don't know it yet, you will be mine.

"Be who's exactly?" She said confused, searching if there was any hidden name somewhere. Could it be another secret admirer? She thought. She then smirked. It was usually someone too shy or way out of her league who wrote these kind dumb of things. But going through the words again, this person sounded pretty confident. They weren't even asking, they were sure about it. So wierd, I wonder who-

"Does a guy like you or something?"Jeanette pondered from behind Brittany.

"Ahh, Jeanette. You scared me!" She said standing from her stool and nearly tripping on it. "It's not cool to sneak up on people like that," She snapped.

"Sorry, Couldn't help but notice you were holding that note," She said pointing at her hand.

"What note?" Brittany said putting her hand behind her back.

"Uh, the one you just hid behind your back. Brittany, I know you received some sort of letter. You read it out loud, there's no point in hiding it," she folded her arms.

"There really is no point, is there," she mumbled to herself. "But it's still none of your business," She said grabbing her bag about to leave.

"What?" Jeannette said baffled, and walked to come in front if her. "But I could help you find out who it is. It could be like a detective case and-"

"I don't need any help. I'm fine on my own,"


"But nothing Jean, Okay? My decision is final and not to be rude, but what would you know about boys?" She chuckled.

Jeanette stopped in her tracks, and paused into think. She chose not to be annoyed or offended, and just lightly shook her head.

"If only she knew," She said.


The party started and the guests started rolling in. Good food, music, people. Alvin was fairly impressed. He'd memorised his way around and bumped into someone. Wondering why they had such a similar build, he quickly scanned them before realizing it was Brittany.

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