4. To catch a thief

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Brittany huffed as she got down the steps of their beloved treehouse in a fit. Each step more defined than the first as she kept her eyes straight onto her destination. The sun was shining bright today so she shielded her face before finally arriving at the Seville residence.

Brittany wasn't a fan of taking the long way and coming through the front door. But she was left with no choice since the zip line got busted thanks to a certain chipmunk.

He was obviously the reason she was here yet again. Okay, she gets it. Alvin is mischievous. Alvin can be a prankster. He has a talent of effortlessly getting on people's nerves at times. She really gets that Alvin will always be Alvin. But she meant every word today by saying that Alvin had gone too far.

He knew she had plans this afternoon. He knew one of her favourite fashion icons was launching a line at the mall today. He knew she would plan on going there looking her very best.

But yet, he had the audacity to take not only her precious hairdryer, but her only curling iron too? Which produced the staple curls in her hair whenever she styled it? Oh he was so dead.

She searched all over the house for him with her hair in a frizzy mess. It's a good thing Dave, Simon and Theodore were out doing something today. The less faces that saw her hair in this state the better. She didn't even bother to put it up in her signature ponytail. She came right over here when she didn't find her mentioned items in her bathroom drawer that late morning.

She finally found Alvin, sitting innocently on one of the lounge chairs by the pool reading a magazine. He didn't seem to notice her until she stood right in front of him. She folded her arms as her shadow blocked the light to his magazine. And he finally tore his eyes from it, to look at the person (or chipmunk) obstructing his view.

"Geez Britt. What happened to your hair?" He stared at her confused.

"Haha very funny. But why Alvin? Why today?" She asked.

"I beg your pardon, Brittany," He said trying to sound polite.

"Oh please Alvin. Your playing innocent act isn't fooling me today," she said tapping her foot on the ground, slowly losing her patience as she visibly fumed by the second.

"What are you talking about?" He said sounding even more confused.

"Don't act like you don't know. You are fully aware about what you've done Alvin Seville," she said finding a way to squint her eyes even further.

"I haven't done anything! I seriously have no clue to what you're referring to Britt,"

Brittany didn't look impressed at all.

"Didn't you take something from me Alvin? something important," she said glaring at him so deep, he was sure she was gonna shoot laser beams at him in any second.

"I didn't take anything Britt. At least.. nothing I remember," He said scratching his head thinking about it for brief a moment.

She looked at him skeptically and proceeded to huff before bursting out.

"Come on Alvin! Why did you take my hairdryer and curling iron?" She said exasperately.

"I did no such thing!" He said straightening in his chair.

"You did to!"

"Did not!"

"Alvin quite lying and tell me the truth!"

"I am telling you the truth," He said sounding a bit more desperate.

"Are not!"

"Are to!"

 Ameliorative AccidentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora