5. The culprit

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"Britt? Are you awake? I brought cookies!" Eleanor announced as she walked into the room with a plate of freshly baked cookies.

"Are they chocolate chip?"Brittany asked with a muffled voice as she rested her face on her pillow.

"Yup, your favorite!" Eleanor said enthusiastically as both her and Jeanette sat on Brittany's bed with her.

"Thank you, Ellie..." Brittany said getting up and crossing her legs as she devoured the delicious cookies brought to her.

"No problem, but seriously Britt, are you okay?" Eleanor said sounding more concerned.

"Hmmm-?" Brittany said as she took another bite out of her cookie "-what are you talking about?" She tried talking while there was still some cookie in her mouth.

"I'm talking about how Brittany Miller after returning from the Seville residence, shockingly passes up a chance of meeting THE Chloè Lamoè at the mall today..." Eleanor said raising an eyebrow and folding her arms.

"Yeah, you've wanted to meet her for over 3 weeks now Britt...What happened?" Jeanette asked earnestly.

"I don't know why you guys are making such a big deal about it! I decided to just buy the clothes online, does that really have to be so odd?" Brittany responded.

Should she tell them? Where was she even going to begin. Maybe they'd get the wrong idea. She can't just tell them she accidentally kissed Alvin again, she was so embarrassed the first time when it was in front of all their siblings. She couldn't find the strength to tell anyone about it, she was still trying to process the whole thing herself. She couldn't let her sisters in on it just yet...

"Oh come on Brittany, we've known you for all our lives, so I'm pretty sure we're able to judge when something's up.." Eleanor said eyerolling with sarcasm in her tone.

"Yeah, we're your sisters Britt?....You can yell us anything..." Jeanette said sounding upset.

Brittany's face was conflicted, Jeanette had a point, maybe she should just tell them.

"Well.....um.....maybe I kinda, sorta-" she said before being interrupted.

"Brittany?!Jeanette, Ellie?! Are you guys home?!" Theodore shouted downstairs as he searched around the house.

"We're up here, Theo!" Eleanor shouted back, and footsteps were heard until the green clad chipmunk joined them in the room holding his hands behind his back and had a very sheepish looking smile on his face.

"Hie guys...." He said still looking kind of nervous.

"Hie, Theodore" Jeanette said.

"Hey.." Brittany quickly followed.

"Hey Theo, what's up?" Eleanor inquired.

"Simon, Dave and I just got back from the grocery store, but there was just something I wanted to return..." He said holding his hands in front of him with their contents.

Brittany shot up her bed in a millisecond.."*gasp*MY HAIR DRYER AND CURLING IRON!?" She said in disbelief while Eleanor and Jeanette made shock noises too.

"Yeah......Talking Teddy got really wet and since he was going out, I needed to dry him, and I also decided to curl his fur a little bit. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't see you and forgot to say it before leaving....I'm really sorry Brittany..." Theodore said apologetically.

"Noway!?-"Eleanor said snickering "You're the one who took it, Theo?!"

Jeanette giggled too "Yeah, who saw that coming? Guess someone owes Alvin an apology.." She said looking at Brittany.

Jeanette's sentence caused a flood of memories to replay themselves in Brittany's head. She literally shook her head to snap out of it. She had to keep her composure...

"It's Okay Theo....I forgive you, just please don't take anything else without my permission, alright?" She said sweetly, she couldn't stay mad at Theo, he didn't mean to. She just felt guilty now....about....pretty much everything!

Theodore is the one who took them. Theodore is the one who took them. That means Alvin was actually innocent, for like the first time ever! I can't believe it! I caused all that ruckus for nothing!? This is soooo embarrassing! But what am I gonna do now...?

I don't even know what to say to Alvin after the accidental uhhh-you know what ...Are we supposed to discuss it? We didn't discuss anything about the first one. We all acted like nothing happened. We can do that again this time, right? Yeah...I'll apologize and tell him we should act like that kiss never happened; that it was an accident and was never supposed to occur again and everything will be fine. I don't want things to be awkward cause though we're close friends who fight a lot, we're not anything like that.... so uh...I don't want to make him feel grossed out about the whole thing...

"Well, that's one mystery solved..." Eleanor said grabbing another cookie.

"Ooooo, is that chocolate chip? Theodore said lighting up like a lightbulb by the sight of the tasty treats.

"Yeah, just leave the hairdryer and curling iron on the dresser and come help yourself!" Jeanette said in a welcoming voice.

"Oh yum, thank you..!" The green clad chipmunk said as he followed the instructions and approached the bed and dug into the cookies.

Brittany remained silent as the rest finished munching the cookies. She suddenly lost her appetite...

"Uh guys, I think I really need to take a nap. I want to rest; my head really hurts....Will it be okay if you go out for a bit?" Brittany said.

Eleanor had a conflicted look, Brittany still hadn't answered her question! And she would have loved to continue their conversation. But maybe she should just respect Brittany's wishes...for now.

"Okay Britt.. -" Eleanor said getting off the bed"- If that's what you really want," She said with a small frown.

"Bye Brittany!-" Theodore said grabbing the plate with the remaining cookies "I'll just dispose these for you guys, if you don't mind.." He said as he got out, and somehow all the three sisters managed to eyeroll at once.

"Okay guess we'll leave you alone then-" Jeanette said as she hopped off the bed "-get some rest Britt.." she said standing on the door with Eleanor.

"Yeah, please get some sleep" Eleanor said half-heartedly.

"I will guys, thank you, you're the best...." She said as she layed on the bed.

"Ofcourse.." Jeanette said as she closed the door to let the pink clad chipette to slumber.

Brittany sighed as she tossed and turned in her bed. She still had a million thoughts going on in her head, but she managed to somehow put them aside and forced herself to sleep...

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