9. Truth part 1

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Finally, finally, finally!

I apologize that the story's continuity has been annihilated but

*You can still go back and re-read the previous chapter or chapters if you want, because you've COMPLETELY forgotten what was going on in this book but I do not blame you for it*

But anyways, let's get straight to it. Despite...a lot, I tried to make it good and I hope you're connecting things in the story! So let's pick it up >>>>>>>>>

They were both shocked out of their minds.

"Brit-Brittany? What are you doing here?" Alvin said completely stunned.

"M-me? I should be asking you. Dave said you were at soccer practice!"

"Well soccer ended early today because coach finally got himself a date. So I came home early," He shrugged.

"But h-how did you get in here? Why didn't you use the front door?"Brittany said still totally lost.

"Brit, windows were invented for a reason okay? And I just don't want Dave to know I'm home yet...I may have done something and I want to enjoy my afternoon while I still can," He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Um...Okay?" She said.

"But anyway, you still haven't explained why you're here!- He said pointing an accusing finger at her "-Or why you just locked me in here with you!" He growled.

"Calm down, Basil's the one who locked us in here, genius. Why on earth would I do this?" She said folding her arms.

"I dont know! And-wait Basil? That kid you babysit, he's here?" Alvin asked surprised.

"Yeah...His mum dropped him off here by accident. I came to pick him up but I guess he still has some hard feelings towards me from last time because he locked the door, So now were both trapped in here!" She whined.

"It wasn't too hard to figure out that last part," He said with sarcasm in his voice.

"Be quiet Alvin. It's your fault Basil's acting this way because of what you told him last time," She accused.

"Whatever..there's no point of fighting over it anyway. There's no way out until someone unlocks the door," Alvin said rolling his eyes.

"W-wait? No way out?" She asked horrified.

"Yeah, since the zipline's busted and the ladder I used to get in here fell over...We're gonna be stuck here for a while," He said plainly with folded arms.

She couldn't believe it. She felt so unsettled by this and wondered why until it hit her again. She was trapped in a room with Alvin! She wasn't even supposed to be talking to him right now. She started freaking out all over again. This couldn't be happening!

She tried opening the door again but it was no use. It was locked shut. She debating trying to call for help but Dave wouldn't hear her while he's wearing his headphones and he wasn't supposed to know Alvin is here anyway. So it was hopeless.

She sighed before turning around, "You're right.."

"Yeah...guess we better make the most of it," He shrugged and she just looked away. She wanted to be anywhere but here right now...but she had no choice but to suck it up.

"Yeah..wait-whats that?" Brittany said looking under Theodore's bed.

"What's what?" Alvin said turning his head in the direction of her gaze.

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