"What about one of those golf carts they drive around, do you get one of those?" JJ asks

"Or those fancy sweater vests, or do you have to pay for those yourself?" Pope added

"Look, can we focus please?"

"Yeah, enough about John B's new sister." Rowan laughed at the disturbed look JJ sent her at her choice of words. "Yeah, I heard it as I said it."

"We got the map right, so let's get to work." John B said.

"Yeah but it's out of whack 'cause the guy was all ganja'd when he drew it." JJ answered

"It's out of whack 'cause the coast has changed." Kiara told him.

"So we just have to find what hasn't changed, right?" Rowan asked

"So, What about the old forts?"

"Battery Jasper." Kie said, pointing to the landmark on the map.

  The Pogues stood on Battery Jasper looking out to the distance. Rowan embraced the light wind blowing around them. She closed her eyes and took a small calming breath. Event after event had started taking a toll on her as she began thinking that maybe things were getting a little out of hand.

She wanted to find this gold. She did. She wanted it for them, for John B, but how many of them have to almost die in order to compete that mission? Gone we're the days where all she had to do was worry about seeing Rafe.

Even now, after she's seen him, she's still immensely glad to have left him. Because she has no idea who he is anymore.
But she knew John B. And she's truly always known him. She was glad for him.

"Right here is Battery Jasper." Pope said, pointing at the map. "So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here."

"Somewhere over there?" Kie asked, pointing to where Pope was.


"Over there?" JJ said, "Guys, that's not Tannyhill, that's a subdivision."

"Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island. Got sold into smaller pieces over time." John B recalled. Pope looked down at the map again.

"So we're just looking for an old stone wall."

"Shot gun." Rowan said, as they headed back towards the Twinkie.

"But I have the map." Pope said, stopping his sister from walking forward.


"So, the person with the map gets shot gun." He said, hopping in despite her being right next to the door. She shot a look to John B to defend her but he shrugged his shoulders and got in the drivers side.

"Rude." She muttered, climbing into the back with JJ and Kie. "Both of you."

"Okay, so the road should split up here." Pope said, from the front seat.


"All right. You're gonna take a left."

The Twinkie roughly turned left, the wheels squeaking as it did so. Rowan's head almost hit the glass window as well.

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