A Kook Thing and a Pogue thing

Start from the beginning

"You're helping Pope and I at Midsommers. That is your punishment. You're also grounded. Give me your phone. Now." Rowan sighed and handed him her dead phone.
Once she showed up at home, her father had went on an almost hour lecture on her dissonance and disrespect. He threatened boarding school and this time, he sounded serious.

"I am sorry."

"Sorry isn't good enough, Rowan Ann Hayward. Those friends of yours are no good. They've gotten you corrupted and now they've gotten Pope down that road too. He was almost arrested! Pope! Arrested. He can't work on his scholarship if he's behind bars for something he was put up to by having a bad choice of friends. For crying out loud. Not good. Not good at all."

Rowan's head turned to her brother, who was sitting at the dining room table with his books. He shook his head and turned away, probably heading up to his room. She would talk with him once her father was finished.

"You're working midsummers. Then, no running off anymore. You've neglected too many shifts and you are making them up. Starting tomorrow."

"Okay." Rowan said, evenly. She's come to just accept his ranting. She knows there won't be anything that stops her from running off with her friends. Pope either. Soon her father will come to realize that he can't control them. No matter how much he tired to.

Her father sighed and turned away from her. The familiar feeling of guilt began to sink in as she got up from the dining chair and headed towards Pope's room. She climbed up the stairs and softly knocked on the door. She heard a muffled "come in." And entered. Slowly, she walked deeper into his room and sat on his bed.

"Arrested?" She asked.

"Topper found out about the plug." He said. "Shoupe came to the shop and was about to take me in. Got a warrant and everything. Rowan, JJ took the blame."

"Shit." Rowan breathed out. This couldn't be good. Especially not for JJ.

"If I was there, I would've—"

Pope shook his head at her. "Done one of the most stupidest thing you've ever done if you took the blame."


"No. It's okay. Really. Where did you go anyway?"

Rowan let out a breath. She felt horrible. For Pope, for the worry she's caused her father. For JJ. She really felt bad and she didn't know what to do to make up for it.

"We found some clues." Rowan said. She didn't want to fully give it away.


"Yeah. Look, John B and I will tell you all later. Right now, we've got to get ready for this stupid Kook thing. You know Rafe thought I was still going to be his date?"


"Yeah. He thought after we broke up and moved on...that'd I'd still go with him to this dance."

"Insane. Wait till he sees you working the party."

"Yeah. I wonder how embarrassing that'd be for him."

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