The Kanima had been taken care of. Matt had been the master who Gerard killed. Jackson had been saved and he was now just a werewolf with a few added perks.

She remembered when she saw Derek again. She didn't think she would be able to find him because she lost her phone and he went into hiding in a different location. But it seemed someone had wanted her to find him.


"I can't exactly have Derek being angry at me, now can I?"

And that was when Stefan punched him. She would be lying if she said she didn't feel satisfaction in seeing him in pain; after all, using her powers on him was the catalyst for so many things. But she forgave the used-to-be burned but still broken Hale in her heart. She couldn't blame him for wanting to be alive again.

"You're using me. But that's okay," Eira stepped forward, grabbing Stefan's arm. "I just want to see Derek."

"Exactly what I wanted to hear," Peter smirked.

He took her to see Derek without Stefan as he demanded, not wanting to be punched again. He took her to the old Hale House.

"You first," he stated as he stopped on the path up to house. She shrugged and went forward; she figured he wanted her to see Derek first so his nephew wouldn't be so angry at him.

           She walked quickly, wanting to see Derek so he wouldn't have to carry the blame of losing her; so she could relieve his pain. Before she could get to the door, Boyd and Erica walked out.

            They shared shocked looks and Erica stated, "You're alive."

            "It appears so," Eira shrugged. "Where are you two going?"

            The teenagers shared guilty looks and it dawned on Eira, "You're abandoning him."

           "Look, we want to live," Erica argued. "We don't want to die like..."

          Erica stopped herself before she said the last word. But she knew what the blonde was going to say, like you.

          She nodded her head, "I understand."

          Erica nodded, too, and walked past her with Boyd following. "We're sorry," he muttered as he walked past.

Eira sighed before turning to the house and continuing on her mission. She walked quickly and entered the nearly destroyed house. She saw him with his back turned to her.

"Derek," she called.

He turned around slowly and once he saw her, he was silent for a moment as he analyzed her. It was only a moment before she was being squeezed to death in his arms and she melted, clinging to him just as tightly. For a moment, she felt featherlight, as if some dark cloud had disappeared from inside her.

Derek muttered happily, "You're alive."

            He just held her for the longest moment, afraid she'd disappear if he let go. And they were both too content to move until, of course, Peter ruined it. Considering what Derek did after, he might've regretted ruining the moment.

Eira thought that her relationship with Derek would've been closer after that. But it wasn't. No, instead, Derek ruined all of that.

          Derek never came to see her.

           "It's best if I stay away," his words echoed in her mind.

            "Best for you or for me?"


             "I thought you wouldn't let me down," her voice pleaded as she was near tears as he went to leave. She needed him more than ever. "You said you wouldn't."

                He stopped for a moment and he uttered two words that could never mean anything because of his next actions, "I'm sorry."

             But he left that night and he hadn't come to see her at all after. He left her alone in her darkest time.

             So, maybe, she was a bit petty or bitter. After all, she felt as if a hundred dead spirits surrounded her with their emotions which only fueled what she did next.

             With Stefan, she left Beacon Hills and went somewhere where she'd been so eager to go to: New Orleans.

AN: I know it's been awhile. I've really been struggling with this story; mostly because many of you want Derek as the love interest and I'm sorry but the endgame is Deucalion. If you don't like that then go read something else, but this is what I'm doing.

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