3: Becoming Invisible

Start from the beginning

"Kayla!" I shouted through the loud hallway. She looked back long enough to see who was calling her, but rolled her eyes and turned back around once she saw it was.

I dodged people and book bags trying to catch up to her. Once I was finally close enough, I jumped in front of her, blocking her path. "what the hell Kayla?'' I said loudly. "What the hell are you doing, Mason? '' she said, looking me up and down.

"Why'd you say that about Hazel?" I said seething with anger. "She had it coming for her. I tried to warn her. Karma's a bitch" she said twirling a hair around her finger taking my hesitation to reply as an escape.

What did she mean she tried to warn her? They try their best to avoid each other and Hazel knows better than to charge at a bull.

Once I turned the corner I saw Hazel sitting at the table with Taylen and Jackson. I could see her shoulders shaking which meant she was crying. I saw Jackson look up from the table and give me the 'sorry-I-didn't-know-what-to-do-look' and I gave him the 'what-did-you-do' look.

"Hey Haze, i'm guessing you heard by now....'' I said not finishing the sentence. "I hate her with every cell in my body!" she spat between sobs, leaning into my chest for a hug.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders pulling her closer to me. I had told her before that I would always protect her but how could I protect her from someone's evil words? "So do we" Taylen said trying to make things less depressing.

"Yea she's the one who's slept with every guy in school. If anything shes the one with STDs" Jackson added. I can not believe he just said that. I mean it's 100% true but it's too soon to bring anything related to that up around her.

I looked at him wondering how on earth he managed to be an honors student. "Haze, don't even worry about it" I began, stroking her hair trying to calm her down.

"It'll blow over in a few days, just like when Ryder got suspended for playing animal noises on his computer every time that one sub that everybody hates tried talking," I said, hoping that the memory of that class would cheer her up.

Ryder was the Co-Captain of the Football and Basketball team. Everyone knew him, all the guys wanted to be him, and all the girls wanted to be with him, except the 2 girls at this table. I never Personally liked him just because he was a cocky douche-bag and a man-whore, who also happened to be the guy Kayla cheated on me with, but I had to since he was my teammate and that class was fun because of him.

She chuckled a little, still crying, but she sat up and slightly smiled. I love seeing her smile, even if she is crying. "Thanks guys," she said sniffling and wiping her eyes. "Of course, love, what else are friends for?" Taylen replied, reaching her hand across the table to hold Hazels.

"I guess I'll just have to lay low for a little bit," she said, playing with her charm bracelet. She always did that when something was bothering her. I made a mental note to ask her about it later, letting the subject go for now.

All throughout the day I couldn't stop thinking about what Kayla had said. 'She had it coming for her. I tried to warn her.' Did something go down that I wasn't aware of? I know Hazel tries her best to stay away from Kayla and she would never do anything to rial up the beast.

The bell signalling the end of the day, shook me from my thoughts.

I texted Hazel

Me: meet me at my locker?

Haze <3: id rather get out f here as soon as possible

Haze <3: i'll meet you in the car

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