Chapter 9: Little Spark, The Lemurian and The Sailor Guardian Trainee!

Start from the beginning

"Usagi is something wrong? Said Chibi-Usa." Oh Chibi-Usa I've been looking to ask you about something said Usagi." Something? Said Chibi-Usa."
Usagi told what happened, Mamaou was Kidnapped by Kaolinite, and that was not all Kaolinite also had Athena, from what they found information about the Saints Explaining the Boys she has been hanging out with, but so far none of know about them being Sailor guardians expect for one that Minako was gonna tell Them."

"But that's a Bad Idea!, If you do that it Will put them at risk! Said Chibi-Usa."
We both have the same enemy we are frighting so it's alright! Said Usagi."
Well then when will you tell the others saints that your Sailor Moon! Said Chibi-Usa."
Uh well I don't know said Usagi."
Well then that makes you an idiot!, You should have thought about it sooner! Said Chibi-Usa."
Why you Chibi-Usa!? Said Usagi."
The Two go into an Argument."

"HEY STOP ARGUING!, I CAN HEAR YOU TWO FROM DOWNSTAIRS!, Also by the way Sweethearts Dinner's Ready so come down and eat before it gets cold said Ikuko in a happy tone at the end."
Uh ok said Usagi and Chibi-Usa."
Will get back to it later said Usagi."

"With Kaolinite, she with Mimete, She didn't Argue with Mimete."
Your not mad at me? Said Mimete."
Well I saw it for myself said Kaolinite she had a smile on her."
Besides, I already have another Plan set up, which is why I told the pathetic sailor guardians that it was us who kidnapped Athena and Tuxedo mask, perhaps they will tell the Saints they will want to get Athena back they fall for this plan said Kaolinite."

"What do you have in mind? Said Mimete." It isn't ready yet for you too know said Kaolinite."
What!, No fair! Said Mimete."
She stormed off."
to her little lab as she also had a Plan of her owns she Wished to show Kaolinite. Mimete was Water a Strange Dead "Flower" and taking DNA from it."
"I am gonna show her something that is won't regret! Said Mimete."

"I must find a way get at the Sailor Guardians, maybe if I kidnap another,
Chibi-Usa Tsukino would be a Good fit,
Her Pure Heart Crystal was so lovely for Mistress 9?, But now she nothing but the Reborn Sailor Saturn, Chibi-Usa may be the Target I need said Kaolinite."
Scaring Chibi-Usa would be the best option with her fear of Lighting, the Droid Furaiki could do it just right said Kaolinite."

"Back with Chibi-Usa, as it was another day of School and the Rain that Furaiki started Came, Chibi-Usa was scared to leave the house."
I don't want to go! Said Chibi-Usa."
Oh come stop being such a baby you got to be strong said Usagi."
Your one to talk! Said Chibi-Usa."

"Usagi take Chibi-Usa to school, today maybe that would be better, here's an umbrella said Ikuko."
Ok fine, at least the Elementary school is right next to my school said Usagi taking the umbrella."

"As another lighting stuck when they got to the school both Chibi-Usa and Usagi both Jumped as it was Unsuspected, Usagi dropped her umbrella and it went right into Seiya's Face."
Ow!? Said Seiya."
Sorry Seiya said Usagi."
It's fine, I am alright here's your umbrella back said Seiya Handing it back."

"Chibi-Usa is afraid of Lighting said Usagi." Usagi, shut up! Said Chibi-Usa."
The other Laughed."
If you need me to take Chibi-Usa to front entrance I'll be happy to help said Hyoga."
as the others entered the Middle School, Hyoga help Chibi-Usa, and
he saw Chibi-Usa's Brooch."

"Your Brooch looks really pretty, where did you get it from? Said Hyoga." I got it from my Mommy, Usagi has a Similar Brooch, but this one is very special to me, do you have anything special from your momma? Said Chibi-Usa."
Hyoga was a little bit shocked."
Well to answer, I Used to, but I gave it away during when I lost someone, it was one of the only thing I had from her before she passed away Said Hyoga."
Chibi-Usa was Surprised."

"But don't mind it, now get on to school today ok said Hyoga walking away." before he did he locked back to see Chibi-Usa go into school but saw something flash on her Forehead which was a crescent moon, Hyoga thought he imagined it but it was still very weird.
Kiki happened to be watching this."

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