Chapter 130: You are me and I am you

Start from the beginning

"Listen to me," He said softly. "Do not cry, You are a Queen. Now let your warriors go and take care of this. These eastern elves will understand I will make them. Now go and get cleaned up. Get some good food and some rest. It will not appear so bad after that, I promise." He rose them and turned to his wife and kissed her firmly. "You as well." He looked to Narl but said nothing he figured he would get this story later. "Come on Mithrandir. Let's go provide some relief to Elrond."

Gandalf took his staff from the human he had been walking with. "Are you with us Adanedhel?" He grumbled.

"I would not miss this." The human said and followed them.

"Adanedhel?" Elthian questioned and looked to Caranthir.

"You and I will speak later." Caranthir said with a small smile. "Now lets get you all settled."


Thranduil dropped the blood splattered helm he rarely ever wore but had now taken to using to the floor of his tent. He sank into the comfort of his throne without even bothering to remove his armor. Gone was the gentle scent of his wife and the softness she provided. It was all replaced with the stench of blood, death and the hard clash of swords.

He drank deeply of the wine that swirled in the goblet his hand lift to his lips. It no longer tasted sweet and no matter how much he drank it never seemed to ease the ache of her absence and now he felt distress from her. Not fear just distress. This distance between them was crushing.

Elrohir entered the tent and sighed seeing him as he sat like that. "My Lord the remainder of the dark forces have now scattered. Though I am sure they will regroup with another force and we will fight them again." He said as he moved closer and lowered down to his knees before the king. His hands beginning to unbuckle the armor plates around the kings legs.

Elrohir had been his only comfort since she had left. He appreciated him more than he could express. "Indeed." Thranduil said before taking another drink. "They are hammering us Elrohir just as I feared. Our losses are not great each battle but they are beginning to add up. I wish I had the blind faith in Minol and his prophecies that my wife has."

Elrohir smiled slightly as he worked on the leg armor. Removing it and setting it carefully to the side. "Maybe you should have faith in her and not Minol." He said softly before getting to his feet and moving around the king to work on the buckles and hooks of the shoulder and arm plates. "Let's be honest Thranduil, she is remarkable in her own right. Minol may have set it all in motion but it will be her who heals the arda right. It is her you should put your faith in."

Thranduil let out a quick breath. His eye drifted up to look on Elrohir and he realized this elf who was much younger than himself was wise beyond his years. "You are correct mellon, yet you too know how hopeless war can make one think. "

"You need only to focus on the moment stop looking too far into the future. Otherwise, you will become like my adar. I do not want you to be like my adar that would just make things strange." He joked then and made Thranduil chuckle.

As Elrohir was working on removing the breast and back plates Thranduil sat forward. Feren entered the tent and bowed a bit. "My King, with the enemy scattering now should we continue to persue them?"

Thranduil shook his head gently. "No Feren this one was a bit harder won yet I do not believe they thought we would be victorious so quickly. Lets take a a few days to rest while we can. The further we go the harder it will become. Send scouts and I wish to speak with Ryu."

Feren nodded. "Yes my King. Shall I send for her now?"

Elrohir was setting the king's armor to the side knowing that Thranduil insisted on cleaning it himself. Feren watched him from the corner of his eye. This pretty dark haired noldor that had taken to being by the kings side. While he had no reason not to trust him he still held onto some ancient distrust even if this was Elrond's son.

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