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"Uncle, help me please." Haeun pleaded to Mr. Han who sat right beside her.

After yesterday's call, Haeun began to think many thoughts that made her have an all nighter. She kept thinking about Jungkook, and how he made her heart skip beats and cheeks tinted red. She was going to meet Jungkook later, but she had met with Mr. Han before to get some help.

"Of course, but with what?" He asked with furrowed brows and crossed arms, looking at Haeun.

"I think I like Jimin." She quietly muttered, Mr. Han smiled bright at her confession.

"Really? That's great, Haeun. Why do you need my help?"

"I don't know what to with these feelings, Uncle. We have a precious friendship I don't wanna ruin. I- I don't know. I kept blushing and my heart beat faster at small things he would do. I haven't felt like this since freshman year of high school." Haeun let out the things she had kept thinking about all night.

"I don't think you'll ruin your friendship though." Mr. Han gently smiled, knowing how Jungkook feels about her.

"I don't know if he likes me back, and if he doesn't he'll probably think I'm weird or something." She sighed.

"No, he won't Haeun. Does Jimin seem like the guy who would do that? My best advice is to tell him how you feel. If he does like you back, it's fantastic. If he doesn't, then he doesn't. It's better to let out your feelings, isn't it? I honestly think that he values your friendship, I don't think he'll throw it away because you've got romantic feelings for him." Mr. Han said, giving her the best advice he could give.

"Okay, Uncle." She suddenly hugged him, to which he accepted. "I will confess tonight."

"That's great, Haeun." He chuckled.


While Mr. Han and Haeun had a conversation, Jungkook had come in the yellow halls, only to be met by Mrs. Han.

"Aunt." Jungkook called, smiling under his mask.

Mrs. Han turned around in surprise. "Oh Jimin, nice to see you. Is there something you need in the kitchen?" She smiled brightly.

"Oh, no no no, It's nothing." He was about to walk towards Haeun's room when he stood back in thought. "Could I ask you about some girl advice?" He hesitantly asked, turning around to face Mrs. Han again.

Mrs. Han looked so happy by the question, it looked like she had been waiting to be asked this question. "Of course, of course. Sit down, and tell me." She pointed towards the kitchen table.

"Well.." Jungkook said before Mrs. Han interrupted him. "Do you like someone?" She eagerly said andJungkook nodded.

"I like Haeun." He said, and Mrs. Han smiled brightly at his words.

"That's fantastic! What do you need help with, dear?"

"I want to confess to her, but I don't know how. I have never felt these feelings before. I've never dated anyone before." He finally asked.

Mrs. Han's eyes turned into a eye smile. "Just say what you feel, Jimin. You don't need to do anything big. Ask her on a date, to try dating. If it works, great. If it doesn't you guys can stay friends."

Jungkook nodded at her advice. "Okay I will, thank you Aunt."


"I want to tell you something." Jungkook nervously said, his whole body shaking.

The two teenagers were currently in the garden, they've sat themselves on the bench. The bench has somehow become their place.

Haeun nodded, a small smile on her face. "I wanna tell you something too, but you can tell yours first."

"Well, I like you." Jungkook confessed, Haeun's eyes slightly widened at the confession.

"Not platonically, I like you romantically. I just wanted to tell you. Would you go on date with me, to try? If you don't want to, I'll respect that. I don't want rui-" Jungkook rambled on before Haeun suddenly interjected.

"JK, is your mask on?"

Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion. "What? No, I took it off when I got here. Why are yo-" His words were cut off when Haeun shut him up with a peck.

"I like you too, dummy. Yes, I'll go on a date with you." She lightly smiled.

Jungkook froze, registering what happened at he stared at Haeun. Haeun noticed the sudden silence and instantly apologized.

"Sorry, I went too fast didn't I? We can take it slow if you wa-" Her words were now cut off as Jungkook kissed her.

Their lips met and it turned into a long loving kiss. The long sweet kiss felt electrifying for the both of them. This was Jungkook's first kiss. For Haeun it wasn't her first, but no other kisses has felt as right as this one.

After some minutes, both of them pulled away.

"Let's have our first date tomorrow, here at 3 pm. What do you think?" Jungkook breathed heavily as he brightly smiled.

Haeun nodded, smiling as well. "Deal."


published: 14/11/21

i suck at writing kissing scenes, i'll do better next time

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