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When they final made it home Klaus had made it his mission to search for a proper home for his family he had been talking about it the whole car ride . " dad we should do something fun today like bowling or skating " Essie said when they got inside the house " sure thing but those aren't normal things for us love " Klaus said smirking "then what is " Essie snapped back " Balls " Elijah said from the outside of the door "pretty much " Klaus said looking at his daughter smiling "so we should throw one " Essie said smiling as Kol and Rebekah walked to the door " mom needs to let them in ? " Essie said aloud " yea I do " Bonnie said walking up to the door " come in Mikealson s " she said quickly . And in they came but when Rebekah did she gave her a face the face of realization and it sent a chill down Bonnie's  spine. " so a ball to what introduce the new family edition? " Kol said sarcastically , Klaus started to look angry " yes " he said snapping " okay let's do it " Rebekah said walking over to Essie hugging her once again "I love you already " she whispered to Essie .
After that everyone even kol were preparing for the ball that they planned for tomorrow night they sent out invitations to everyone in town even sworn enemies they wanted everyone to know Essies name to know she existed and if they tried her they would be killed . Essie had Been so excited that she had forgot to even tell Lina about everything so when Lina had called her it was so much she had to say but first she wanted to invite her to the ball " Lina you are here by invited to my family's ball tomorrow night where your finest dress because I want to dance with you in front of the whole town " Essie said as fast as she could while blushing " ball ? Whole town ? I'm definitely down babe " Lina replied smiling from ear to ear " how's your parents since everything happened " Lina asked " there fine I guess moms just a little shooken up I guess " Essie said not knowing Bonnie was on the outside of the door listening to their every word . Walking off Bonnie bumped into kol " sorry " she said quickly attempting to walk away but before she could he grabbed her arm leading her to look into his eyes "you haven't told him ? " he said basically whispering " let go off me kol " Bonnie snapped back " omg you haven't I must've meant nothing then , those few years down the drain huh ? Even the fake re inviting me inside ? " Bonnie couldn't say anything she knew what kol was saying was all true " please don't tell klaus we're happy kol , I'm happy " Bonnie said starting cry as kol let her go with tears running down his face .
Downstairs Klaus and Elijah were talking " so your really getting married and you really have a kid ? And here I thought there was no redemption for you Nicklaus " Elijah said smiling at his brother " yea " klaus said with his voice cracking leading to Elijah to come and hug him " we made it brother " Elijah whispered. " I hate you break this up but we have to go see the house love birds " Rebekah said basically screaming leading Bonnie , kol and Essie all to come down the stairs   "What's all the fuss my sister " kol said basically laughing " we all need to go to the house and make sure the people are fixing it correctly for tomorrow night so get off your asses and let's go "  everyone laughed but klaus because he had noticed Bonnie had dried tears in her face but he said nothing just walked towards her grabbing Her hand leading her to a near by room " what's going on my love ? " he asked angrily " nothing , I'm okay honest " Bonnie said basically shaking " NO - no your not I know you Bonnie bennet " klaus said looking at Bonnies face , Bonnie couldn't move she wanted to tell him the truth but she couldn't she knew if she did he would maybe kill her and dagger kol again so she lied " it's just I'm thinking about my family that's all but I'm okay I promise " Bonnie said hugging klaus to distract him from her face " it's okay love I'm here , Essies here we're your family now no need to mourn baby " klaus's words hit bonnies heart she knew that no matter what happened she had Essie to think of even if she was grown up she was still her child .
After Bonnie and klaus were done talking they were on there way , they made it to the mansion as quickly as possible their had been so many people there cleaning , placing things and doing other things it made Essie feel even more special. she had just met the rest of her family and they had made her feel more at home than she had ever felt " so all these people you guys found in a matter of hours ? " Essie said as she stepped into the mansion "you'd be surprised what a original vampire can accomplish in a bloody hour " Rebekah said back to her . Essie kept looking around thinking just one thing " I can't believe I'm here " Bonnie could see Essie was mesmerized " I use to think I didn't belong at these places ethier but you do es " she said as she grabbed her walking through the long hall . Bonnie and Essie had walked through so many rooms Bonnie having a story for everyone about her old friends and the evils they Encountered all the years back once being Klaus and his siblings . " how'd you fall in love with dad if he did those things " Essie asked as Bonnie walked in front of her " I seen the good soul under all the broken he wasn't as cruel as people thought " Bonnie said looking back at her daughter grabbing her face " and tomorrow night everyone will see the outcome of Klaus's good ways " .
When Essie and Bonnie made it back to the front of the house they could feel the bad energy and then Bonnie knew her secret that she tried so hard to cover up had been out but how ? She didn't know . " where's my dad " Essie asked a sitting down Elijah whose face was cold and pale but he didn't answer " where's aunt bex ? And kol ?" She asked as she walked in front of him seeing the devastation across his face " there gone your father - he is going to go off the rails and I'm afraid no one will stop him I'll do my best but as for you Bonnie Bennett you should hide and hide damn well " Elijah said standing up dusting his self off " wait why - what's going on ?" Essie asked confused " I - I'm so sorry  " Bonnie said with her voice breaking " this is my doing I should've been honest I should've just told him from the start " but bonnies words weren't making sense to Essie " mom what -what did you do ? " " when your dad left I I fell in love with kol he didn't know I was pregnant with you and I -"
But before Bonnie could finish Essie started to yell " you whore you couldn't just focus on me in your stomach you had to mess around with my uncle kol just as dad left ? I Can't believe you play The innocence role but your not your the mastermind for all of this and I'm done I'm so done Bonnie " with tears running down her face Essie started to run off " wait child " Elijah screamed but Essie didn't listen she didn't care her life was going down hill all over again and all she wanted to do was get high the urge was just to strong .
Finding her way to the motel she once slept at , Essie looked for the dealer in room 3A but when her hand touch the door a call came to her phone " Lina " Essie said as she answered the phone "everything okay e " Lina asked "yea I'm just I'm just tired of life it's like no matter what I do things don't go right for me I'm one of the most powerful people in the world and yet I don't know how to use my power , my family issues are still there , and my addiction is always at the back of my mind I just can't anymore Lin I have nothing good " Essie said starting to cry "Essie you have me I'm a good thing , meet me at our spot I believe you need one of our talks and I'm prepared to listen " Lina said waiting for a response " okay " Essie said quietly  as she started to walk in the direction of wickery bridge .

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