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Essie had been everywhere the past few weeks after her mom and dad dropped the bomb on her that they were engaged and soon to be Married even though she was happy for them she felt that when they did get married what would be her purpose. Essie also had Lina on her mind every since their kiss things were different more intense but they hadn't defined their relationship yet that's what had Essie worried . It had been the middle of the night and essie could here her parents it had been the 5th time this week "they never give up " essie said to herself " like old bunnies " essie walked downstairs to get a cub of water and one of the grimoires running back upstairs. When essie made it to her room she quickly shut her door getting a FaceTime call from Lina "hi hot vamp girl I know " Lina laughed " hi even hotter were-witch what you doing  " essie smiled hardly " listening to my parents bone it's non stop they think their still teenagers" Lina laughed loudly but essie didn't " I'm serious " . Essie heard some walking up to her door " Lina I'll call you back " and walked in bonnie " can't sleep ? " bonnie asked Essie "you have no idea " Essie said laughing "I think I need a walk I'll be back in an hour no later " and before bonnie could say anything Essie was down the stairs running out the door . Essie walked to the bridge but this time she wasn't sad she was worried , worried that maybe she has no purpose that she is just a waste of a powerful being she thought about what bonnie said about talking to her ancestors "maybe they could tell me ?"  Essie asked herself . Essie began to think hard about all the names that bonnie told her about she began to think about them and one at a time she tried to connect to them but nothing worked not even her saying the name of "qetsiyah" her ancestor from long ago . And just when Essie was going to give up she felt something like a piece of energy grabbing her pulling her up and forward grabbing onto the bridge railing Essie stopped the energy and then started to walk off and before she knew it she was at the witch burial ground and she didn't even know . walking in Essie started to get afraid "hello ? whats this place and how did I know to come here ?" but no one answered her Essie looked confused so she started to leave but before she could the doors shut and then she knew , backing up Essie started yelling "I'm Essie Sheila Bennett daughter of Bonnie Bennet and Klaus Mikealson and I want to leave " but that didn't stop the spirts they pulled Essies body sitting her down . and before Essie could grab her phone a woman came from the shadows but it wasn't anyone her mom had showed her pictures of "who are you ?' Essie asked the woman looking in her eyes " Im Esther and from the looks of it I'm your grandmother" Essies face drifted from confused to shook "your my dads mom?" Essie asked Esther shaking "yea your dad is one of my many kids my creations " Esther said almost silently "so your dead I presume ?" Essie asked but she felt she already knew the answer "yea for along time , I've watched all my kids long lives especially Klaus's and I've felt guilty about every drip of blood he spilled im the reason for his monsters ways but it seems like those ways have stopped since he met you so I thank you my child" Essie held on to all of Esthers words before asking her "could you tell me about them about your other kids ?" Esther smiled at Essie " sure " and for the next half hour Esther explained her kids precisely "Finn my eldest loyalist , Elijah second eldest noble you'd love him ,  my baby boy kol follows in Niklaus's foot steps in many ways he's a total hot head , and Rebekah always looking for love all while making sure her brothers don't kill each other " Essie was smiling ear to ear as Esther spoke "do you know where they are ?" Essie asked but Esther quickly answered "you'd have to ask your dad I wouldn't know my child " Essie could tell Esther was hiding something but she didn't mention it she had to ask her one more thing "do you think ill ever find my purpose because right now I feel as if I had more purpose when I was a junkie I don't know I just feel I should be doing more" Essie looked down as she spoke "you have purpose I just can't tell you what it is you have to find it out on your own your the most powerful being alive think about it " Esther said she spoke hardly and clearly . "really can't you or one of my other ancestors just tell me what it is " Esther laughed as Essie spoke " you are really a Bennett and a mikealson so much voice in you " Essie didn't know what her grandmother meant "what does that mean-" Esther interrupted Essie "you are your fathers daughter stubbornness and pride mind what everyone else says but remember you may hear a voice inside and if the voice starts to whisper to follow your heart , Essie that voice inside is who you are " . and when Esther said those words it was like it woke Essie up like everything she had listen to her say was from a dream because when she had woken up Essie was still in bed and her parents were still in theirs Essie couldn't believe it she couldn't help thinking "was she losing her fucking mind" . 

The next morning Essie woke up so late a part of her was afraid to get up but when she did Klaus was sitting over her "god are you crazy " Essie said yelling as Klaus laughed "sorry to frighten you love but we've got some things to discuss " Essie looked confused as her dad spoke "yesterday you talked to my mother ? -" "how'd you know I thought it was dream " Klaus looked at his daughter "it was pretty real my love I know because my fathers spirt spoke with me yesterday and I was sure it was a dream to until he spoke of you , you can't trust ether of them so I beg you if they come to you again block them out " Essie still looked confused but she answered her father "okay dad" . Klaus hugged Essie tightly,  letting go she asked him something "can we go get the coffins ?" Klaus's face went from mad to sad in a matter of seconds but he couldn't keep Essie in the dark about his family anymore "okay lets inform your mother first " Klaus told Essie . 

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