Sarahs back

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After that night Essie had been sleeping in bonnies bed everyday and Klaus hadn't left their side even if he slept on the couch every night it didn't matter as long as they were safe . it made Essie feel like she finally had a family it felt good to not be alone anymore it felt wholesome . It had been morning and Essie had been awake she couldn't sleep and she didn't want to wake ether of her parents she knew they probably wanted their sleep she couldn't bother them over something like this so she just grabbed a book from Bonnies shelf . sitting in the swig chair on the front of the house Essie started to read the book and soon found out it wasn't just a book it was a spell book a Bennet grimoire , Essie had read through it saying ever spell to herself until she thought " I should try them" and that's what she did but the first spell she wanted to try needed another person so she went back in the house to see her dad once again in the kitchen . walking up to Klaus Essie started so say the words from the grimoire Klaus was confused but started to fall back then it hit him on how focused Essie was she was tapping into his mind and when she succeeded she saw things from Klaus's past things she didn't know like that he had siblings and that he once was a human long long ago . " wow" Essie said aloud Klaus started to look frustrated " what - who told you how -" Essie interrupted him " I found one of moms books I just wanted to see what I could do " Klaus started to smile at her " so you've seen your origin huh ? that's what the wow was ? " Essie looked up at her dad "yeah , where are they dad ? because if you're an original so are they" Klaus summed all his words up into one " coffins " and before he could he could explain any more bonnie started to walk down the stairs. " morning " both Klaus and Essie said together " morning what's going on ? " Essie showed and told bonnie about how she found one of the grimoires and how she tapped into Klaus's mind seeing his family bonnie knew that he had laid all the to rest in the coffins it didn't bother her it wasn't her business it was his family . " so your going to just leave them I want to meet them I want to know them they deserve their freedom dad "  Klaus looked at his daughter and he felt something he hadn't ever felt remorse , and he knew what he had to do so he simply said " okay lets go get them " and like that bonnie Klaus and their daughter where on their way until they opened the front door to see Sarah holding up a pregnancy test . Klaus was frozen but bonnie was not she was fighting back tears and Essie noticed so she grabbed her mom pulling her inside saying "guess you guys have lots to talk about " shutting the door , inside the house Essie was holding her mom while they laid in bed Essie began to talk "I can cheer you up " Essie grabbed a pillow ripping it open grabbing the feathers out and putting them in her hands and closing her eyes bonnie knew exactly what she was doing because bonnie once did the same thing for Elena . When the feathers started to fly bonnie smiled hardly as tears drenched her face saying " how did you know " Essie smiled at her mom " the book I read it over in the book " Essie hugged her mom softly and after 3 whole minutes finally let go saying " how could she be pregnant ? isn't dad like dead ? " bonnie started to frown " the same way I was pregnant with you " getting up bonnie started to walk to the front door seeing her Essie followed . opening the door bonnie and Essie saw Klaus and Sarah sitting down both with tears in their face " you guys should leave " bonnie said basically screaming Klaus walked to her " Bon-" but before he could say anything Essie stepped in-front of her mother " LEAVE DAD" Sarah stood up "we should go book a room babe we need to think things over " Essie couldn't believe what she was hearing but all she could do was walk away bonnie ran after her but Klaus didn't he didn't know what to do so he just grabbed Sarahs hand and got in his car opening Sarahs door for her and driving away . Essie was half way down the block before bonnie caught up to her " Essie stop " but Essie kept walking leading to bonnie saying one word "telekinesis " bringing Essie to a stop , "why are you walking away and where are you going " bonnie asked Essie " away , away from him and her I can't do this it seems like my life was just getting better and now - now its shit again " bonnie looked at her daughters face she could tell she was hurt . " its going to be okay Essie lets just go back to the house " Essie looked at bonnie as she spoke "I can't go back there not just yet I need to breathe " bonnie knew Essie was right she knew that maybe she needed a breath to so she let Essie go from the spell " an hour and your back " Essie shook her head and left bonnie alone on the street . 30 minutes later Essie found herself on a bridge she read the sign and it read " Wickery Bridge Mystic Falls , VA built 1912 " and sat down bellow the railings and started to cry hardly up until someone began to walk up on her and she hopped up and a red haired girl appeared " sorry to scare you you just really look in distress " the girl said to Essie but Essie didn't care " so you just happened to be on this bridge to or you followed me ? did my mom send you or maybe my asshole of a dad " Essie snapped but the girl didn't seem scared " um no I run on weekdays and  no I don't know your mom or your asshole father I just moved here last month I know no-one but my neighbors and by the way I'm Lina " Essie started to feel bad as Lina walked off " I'm Essie sorry for yelling I'm having a shitty day" Lina turned around " sorry to hear that " Lina said walking back and sitting down as Essie joined her " let me hear it " Lina said " or don't I'm a stranger I get it if you don't but I've heard its better to talk to strangers about you problems than people you know " Essie focused on Lina while she spoke and finally said " fine here it is " . Essie had told Lina everything she could ; her parents story , her childhood trauma , even about her drug adiction and Lina hung on to every word Essie felt like she could talk to Lina about anything even though she just had met her she felt as if she knew her her whole life . "thanks for this Lina " Essie said smiling ear to ear " your welcome it seem liked you needed it " Lina started to get up but Essie stoped her " so this is it ? or could I get you number to maybe even start a friendship ? " Lina smiled at Essies comment " sure werewolf witch girl " Essie smiled at Lina as she handed Lina her phone . Putting her number in Essies phone Lina looked up and whispered " and by the way I'm a vampire " Essie mouth widened as Lina ran off . 

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