Chapter 6: First Assembly

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The double date was a cheerful mood for our couple!

But it's time to head back to the building and possibly find good seatings before they lose each other.

Suddenly they were stopped by a man with a strict look on his face, almost like he's having a stroke in one eye.

"Darren is it?..." He asked.

Darren nodded "y-yes Principal sir."

"Why are you still out here?...your supposed to be in the gymnasium by now 15 minutes ago..."

This gave a bad feeling to the freshie's, hopefully it's no big deal. But to the school...everything is a big deal...

"S-sorry sir, come on Lulu." Darren held her hand and they walked...however the principal stopped the girl and this made the boy upset.

"Hey...this is my girlfriend...she can't stop?..."

"Of course not...I mean look at her...those clothes are dark..."

That's when Luci starts to feel insecure about this cute dress Darren bought her for her 15th birthday last week...

"No go go! You have 10 minutes to practice!!"

Darren looked down at his girlfriend but was shoved to head back inside.

Someone has to step up...Sherwin stood against the big adult, glaring up at him.

"Hey...that wasn't very come he can't bring his own girlfriend to these practices? It seems shallow of you..."

Without any back talk...the principal instead snarled and walked away...almost looked really disgusted by the ginger.

Jonathan side hugged him, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"This school is reminding me of Mean Girls..." He whispered and Sherwin nodded.

Luci came closer to join the hug sandwich for comfort, knowing damn well the High Schools Principal doesn't give a crap at all...

"Let's go find the rest and we would find good seatings." Jonathan suggested and the two sweeties nodded in agreement.

So they head back inside and make their way into the gymnasium.

Once they got there, they already see that the gang is there. Except for Kaden.

Sunny spotted them and made a run towards them.

"Sherley! Lulu! Jon Bear! " she give them a big hug "Kaden was out there looking for you!"

Oh that's why...

Then she noticed that it was just the three and Darren wasn't here...

"Hey, where's DareDare?" She asked.

Luci looked down and walked over to sit by the other boys which they had worried faces.

"The principal insulted her...he wouldn't let her bring him to practice..." Sherwin stated and Sunny gasped in shock.

"No! Are you kidding?...she's goregeous!"

Then they hear running footsteps coming from behind.

"There you are! I was searching everywhere in the cafeteria!"

It was just Kaden.

"Sup man." Jonathan gave him a high five and then he sees Luci.

"Did I miss something?..." He asked.

Then Sherwin sighed, having to repeat but will shorten it.

"The principal made Luci feel insecure..."

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