Chapter 4: The Bully?

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Warning: homophobia in the middle of the chapter. If you are very uncomfortable with this topic. Ill let out a reminder if you wanna skip...


That was really unexpected with the two love birds, but they tried to shrug it off and continue their walk to the entrance of the school.

Darren would be seen in the councilors office, possibly doing some paper work they've given him.

The two spotted him and walked inside.
"Morning Darren!" Sherwin said out loud then the tall one walked over to them.

"Oh hey guys, a big surprise." The dark haired chuckled and turned his body towards them.

"Just wanna pop in and say morning." Jonathan replied, holding Sherwin's hand close.

"Awe That's sweet, anyways, if you guys like to know...were having an assembly, technically welcoming us freshman's to the school, do some silly activities, role calls."

Basically the same thing in middle school but much worse.

"Well, see you guys there." Darren continued his papers and the two head into the cafeteria to chill until they head to class.

"You need anything from the snack bar babe?" Jonathan asked, Sherwin is craving some coffee from a mini starbucks.

"Non fat vanilla grande please." The ginger handed him the money so Jonathan would get it for him and something for himself too.

"Alright I'll be back."

Sherwin sat down and watched his man wait in line for some coffee.

Sherwin's POV

He is just so delicious, is all I have to say. I gaze upon his body like a little pervert I barely am.

That's when I felt something hit my head really hard...I looked to see what it was just a finished apple...


I turned to see and it was the same asshole who ran me and Jonathan over!! Great...a bully in high school...just like in Danny Phantom...

Jonathan returned with the two coffees in both hands, and sat across from me. "They ran out of covers so be careful."

"Aww thanks honey." I held his hand, then he gently kissed my fingers.

God you have no idea how hot when he does that...

"Mmm your such a gentlemen." I said softly.

"Aww, I was raised to be one." He winked and intertwines my fingers.

Im also curious if he's still doing any sports.

"So, are you still signing up for baseball?"

He nodded "yeah! Just need my athletic points. Plus its fun."

Of course. But whatever makes him happy, then I'm happy.

"Have you decide to join any sports hon?" He asked me while sipping some of his coffee.

Sherwin shook his head "nah, but I am joining drama club!"

That was something new, acting? Pretty much a big step to feel confident and not shy away on stage.

Jonathan's POV

Ever since I met Sherwin he was so quiet and awkward, maybe this'll be good for him to be louder and let everyone hear his voice and acting skills.

Id watch all his performances, maybe run lines with him.

"You should do it baby, and I bet you'll do great!"

I held his hand and he flushed red.

I can't get over it, just so cute.

That's when the bell rang. Meaning its time for class.

I got up from the chair and offered him my hand.

"Let me walk you to class."

He held my hand and we head on over to his first period.

Good thing Im next door to him so that we could walk in our next class.

I keep noticing that asshole with the bandana is looking at us with a disgusted look on his face...

I don't know his problem with ys being happy...but if he ever messes with us...Ill kick his ass...

After dropping off Sherwin, I kissed his cheek and went over to my class.

(Skip if you like)

Bully's POV

I am sick of these couples roaming around the school...prom king, queen, princess, prince.blah blah blah...and why...why the hell does it have to be gays...?

All they do is giggle and all flirty, sexual jokes...gah they are pieces of shits and they deserve to d*e...


I can't wait to have fun with that wimpy ginger twink...Ill beat him up to a pulp...I'll make sure he's alone and that b**no ain't around...

(Its okay to read)

(3rd Person's POV)

Sherwin looked out the window while he starts his first assignment in English class. Basically is writing an essay on what book he read during the summer time.

So he pulled out his phone and turned on some music, then begins writing.

Good thing he read something, he knew this would happen if you ever took a English class.

Then he starts to doze off a bit, thinking about Jonathan.

Imagining whether or not if he is truly ready for the bases.

So far they went through first base, which is kissing.

Second base is pretty much...chest caressing.

Jonathan knows he's very sensitive, plus it made it better.

Sherwin shook all that off and tries to focus more on the essay.

Sherwin's POV

Class went by super fast...all I did for most of the class time was doodling on the essay.

Waiting for the bell to ring at any minute.

--Bell Rings--

We all turned in our essay's to the teacher...however the teacher gave me a strict look onto me...

Her face reminded me of that coach from middle school...maybe their related I don't know...

I tried to shrug that off and see Jonathan waiting for me.

"Hey babe, how's English?" He asked while he held my hand.

"It was alright, wrote an essay, turned it in, already caught up."

Then he smirked. "Good, cuz guess what? Im taking you out for lunch."

My eyes widen from what he's said!

Ugh!! Its a dream come true!

I already know what were getting and it's related to chickey nuggies!

"Awe that's so sweet of you Johnnycake."

He chuckled and we head over to our second period together...but in our surprise...

We saw that big meanie bully sitting at the back of the class...

Oh no...this is not good...I looked over to see Jonathan's face shift to anger...

I placed my hand on his chest, making him look at me.

"Just stick by me..." Is all I said.

And we both sat together in the middle of the class.

Let's see how things go for second period class.


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