That didn't mean that this little part of their story was truthful at all.

Caius's face twisted into an offended frown like the notion that this was fake was ridiculous. "This is no joke, Elenora. Vampires take the subject of mates extremely seriously, do you think I'd waste my time with this if we weren't telling the truth?" His stern raspy voice made her feel things she was ashamed of, sending a pleasant tingle down her spine. Oh god—so not the time!

"Calm yourself, Caius. Do not let your feelings cloud your judgement. Remember that Elenora is perfectly within her rights to assume us all liars if she pleases. We will just have to prove we are telling the truth. Marcus, would you explain since this is your area of expertise?" Aro acted as the mediator and settled the growing tension in the room; by the exhausted look on his face it seemed he placated Caius's moods all too often.

"Certainly." Marcus adjusted his position on the couch, crossing his legs at the ankles and leaning back into the comfortable cushions, probably to make her feel more comfortable. He smiled tenderly, her eyes captivated with the small dimples created from the movement. Wow, could this man get any cuter?

"You see, amore, some vampires when they are created are fortunate to be blessed, shall we call them. These could be certain traits you were good at as a human that were enhanced by your change, or they could be something completely random. I mention this because I myself have a gift, the ability to see the bonds that connect one person to another." Her eyebrows raised of their own accord in shock. The idea of vampires was crazy enough, now they could have literal superpowers? That was...terrifying.

"I see the bonds between each person in this place whether it be family, friends, enemies or lovers. That is how I know, my love, that you are mine and my brothers' true mate. Even without the aid of my gift a vampire knows their mate on sight. It is instinctual."

It felt like a heavy weight had dropped in her stomach, pinning her in place. That was exactly what she hadn't wanted to hear. It was no reflection on them, they had been nothing but kind and accommodating to her since she entered the room and despite the issue of their vampirism they were perfect gentlemen. This was just too much information for her brain to process. It was one thing to be told of the existence of another race, but to be told that fate had selected you as the most powerful individuals' 'soulmate?'

That was where she drew the line.

Her head spun, her breathing shallow and raspy. Her eyes clouded over with a misty haze that she just couldn't blink away no matter how much she tried. She wanted to run far away yet fall into their embrace all at the same time. What was happening to her?

Aro noticed her conflict, moving closer to her cautiously but with determination shining in his ruby eyes. "Tell me Elenora that you have felt nothing, no pull, no strange feeling inside you that you can not explain. That you haven't felt inexplicably drawn to us against your own judgements. Tell me you've felt nothing and we will forget all of it."

"Aro!" Caius snarled furiously, pausing reluctantly when Aro simply raised his hand to stop him, unbothered by his brother's outrage.

Caius hissed before leaning only slightly back in his seat, scarlet eyes bubbling with uncontained rage burning a hole in the back of Aro's head. Marcus too looked worried; though he was a lot more docile, choosing to sit quietly, the only sign of his discomfort was the slight downturn of his plump lips.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora