Sasha shrieked and her own hand flew to her mouth. "No way! He put a fuckin' ring on it!"

Giggling madly, the mother-to-be extended her right hand, showing off the sizeable diamond on her finger. "Yep. Gin proposed and I said yes! I'm getting married, Sasha!"

"Oh my god." Sasha was floored. She hadn't expected this at all. "When did this happen?"

"The day after you guys left for Pensacola. He went to London for business but went ring shopping as well. When he returned he took me out for dinner, which was absolutely amazing, and that's where he proposed and that's when I told him about the baby. He took the news very well, considering he wasn't sure about having kids before. Apparently he's wanted to marry me since Reggie's party!" Her smile was wide. "I wanted you to see the ring in person when you got back but you called me up and I couldn't hide it anymore. You're the only one who knows now. I waited for you so I could tell everyone else."

"Aw, honey," Sasha gushed, taking in her friend's giddy expression. "Not to sound like a party pooper, but you don't think it's too soon?"

Pam shook her head solemnly. "Not for me. I get what you mean though. We've only been together five months but babe, it's been the best five months of my life. I love him, Sash. I want to spend the rest of my life with him." She stopped, dabbing the corner of her eye as she began to tear up. "Oh, did I tell you I cry about everything now?" she laughed.

"Hormones, babe. Honey I'm so happy for you. You deserve all of this and more. And to think you almost set me up with him," Sasha giggled.

"I know right? Am I glad that didn't happen," Pam laughed.

"Totally agree. Elgin's a hot piece of ass but you can keep him. I'm doing just fine with my man," Sasha quipped. "Any wedding plans yet?"

"Not at the moment. I'm thinking I should pop the baby out first."

"If that's what you want," said Sasha. "Talk it out with your hubby-to-be and let me know, alright? Whatever you need from me, just ask."

They talked a little more, and Pam eagerly reminded Sasha to catch up with the latest episode of Scandal before they said their goodbyes and logged off of FaceTime. Sasha remained stationary on the couch, deep in thought. How strange. Her best friend was now engaged. In the same week her own boyfriend had stated his intentions to marry her. And speaking of...That had been a truly surreal moment. She had said nothing back, at a genuine loss for what to say, and though neither of them had brought it up again since, it had yet to leave her mind.

Of course she'd thought about spending the rest of her life with Joe. He was an amazing guy. They were very much in love and their relationship was pretty serious. They had both come leaps and bounds from where they first were when they met. He treated his family and friends like gold and they had all warmed up to her and vice versa. After he'd said those words to her, that night on the patio, she'd felt a mixture of happiness and excitement along with some fear. Was it what he really wanted? Had he only spoken in the heat of the amorous moment? After all Joe was an emotional person and wore his heart on his sleeve. If she started asking the serious questions, how would he respond? Basically she wanted to make sure they were truly on the same page before they made it to that step. It was a given though, how compatible they were. They had a connection and a sizzling chemistry like no other, even with their age difference. But that was only the emotional aspect. What about the practical, more pragmatic side? How would he handle the nitty-gritties of such a drastic change in their relationship? Such as moving in, like he'd implied, with two kids. Raising an eight-year-old. Joe was still so young and had the world at his feet and it was no secret that his career was skyrocketing. He was away all the time, which she'd accepted long ago. But what if along the way she and her kids became his anvil? Holding him back? There was still every possibility that he could change his mind. Were they moving too fast just from the mere mention of the word 'marriage'? This was why she wasn't saying a word to anyone. There were a lot of questions in her head, and a lot of questions to ask him before they could get engaged.

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