Start from the beginning

"Sh-Shut up, you dense pervert!!!" They both shouted at me

"FuFu Delinquent-girl is only a 77. You are not as great as you thought" Kōenji shared my size too

"That's sadly true. At least, I'm not a 76 like Kei or a flat surface like my childhood70-chan or Little-girl model 70" I made fun of them behind their back

I noticed that they are both 70's with the childhood friend troupe

"Rei-san, it's necessary to share your plan with us" Chiaki asked me

You can think by yourself!



"We shall sacrifice this insolent fool to the elder gods" I announced to them

"Rei-san, your actual plan"

"I was only half-joking with you"

I removed my knife from my pocket rushed towards him

"Don't d-"

Kōenji ignored the entire thing like usual

The others tried to stop me but my speed was far greater

I arrived~ Here we go~

"Any~ last words, Ishizaki" I announced to him with a distorted evil smile

"N-No... W-W-Wait... D-Don't kill me!?" He said to me extremely shocked with a lot of fear and tears

I faked a stab towards his chest and changed trajectory at the last second. I removed the unusual vines that trapped his left leg using my knife

He pissed himself like a baby, my little prank was a success

Everyone arrived just in time and something unexpected happened

Ichinose closed our distance and grabbed my upper tracksuit aggressively

"Rei! What are you doing?" She asked me angrily

Everyone was surprised

Kōenji can read people quiet well but this is new even for him. I'm not an exception

"That's my question. You're acting out of character" I told her

"I'm not a fictional character to compare me like that!" She continued

I couched

She will kill me with her remarks

"I'm going to say it again. You're acting out of character. What happened to the super social and kind Honami-chan?" I tried again to persuade her

Her expression stayed the same

An aggressive Ichinose freaks me out

"You played with a human life, that's despicable. You're playing with everyone's emotions and you left them or you make fun of them like some sort of fictional characters like I said before" She explained her aggressive action

So... I triggered that

"I'm self-aware, that's why. This school is an advanced simulator to a false reality, that's the system... this entire school's system is pushing that ideology towards our way" I explained maintaining my calm for now

A Helpful Reincarnation (Female OC) COTE   (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now