♢His Name♢

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"Hey, have you heard what the vines are telling the grapes?" Moriko asks in her chirpy tone. You raise a brow at her.
Currently, both of you were relaxing in her room. Moriko is blessed to have a room all to herself--because of how frequently she changes schools. Her 'main' school is Viletown High, the very first--therefore the oldest--high school built in Viletown. But she has made lots of friends in the other schools too.

"Isn't the phrase 'what's on the grapevine'?" You inquire. The redhead shrugs. "Eh, mine's cooler--and weirder," she grins. You shake your head, laughing. Moriko was never the type who blends in--unless she really tries (which is basically once in a leap year or so).

"Anyways, what are they talking about?" You prod. The girl taps a finger on her chin, seemingly trying to remember. You're certain she already knows.

"Our school is combining with the boys," she says simply. You stare at her, gaping. "Seriously?" You blurt out. The girl nods.
Your school (an all-girls prep school) is neighbours with an all-boys prep school. Both share resources and stuff but ultimately are separate.

"Yup! Our classes will be combined, and there'll be new uniforms too. Oh, and the girls will be allowed to use some of the boys' facilities! And vice versa," the female claps her hands gleefully. You sweatdrop--you're not sure if this is a good thing or not.

"You wanna hear a secret~?" Moriko questions suddenly, a mischievous Cheshire grin on her lips. You purse your lips, but nod for her to continue.
She leans forward, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. You flinch, as you notice her usually charming dark pink eyes shift to a frightening crimson red.

"Five selected boys were tasked to come here secretly and observe us. Five girls were also selected to secretly observe the boys. I was one of them," she smirks.
"Observe...how?" You mumble. The redhead leans back, and her eyes slowly shift back to their normal colour.

"Well, to see how others act like. Are they polite, are they kind, and so on. Most of the boys I met were really nice!" She chirps, grinning. "They helped carry my stuff, gave me a tour, and some even offered to buy me lunch! They were all so nice and kind," the girl lists off the things with her fingers, before grinning again. You smile nervously, sweatdropping.

She's Moriko Tsumiakadsu for blood's sake; of course, everyone treats her nicely. Whether you like girls or not, no one can deny that Moriko is gorgeous in her own unique way. Everyone is either smitten, in love, like, or--the very least--respects her. Sometimes you wonder how someone like you even managed to become friends with her.

"Oh, yeah! I saw you hanging out with some blonde. Who was it?" She tilts her head. You blink. "Oh! That was...," you trail off. Your face scrunches up as you try to remember the girl's name. That's when you realise something.
'Freakin' demon's blood! I never asked her name!' You facepalm, as a groan escapes your lips. You laid back (you were sitting on the ground, while Moriko was on her bed), mumbling, "Ugh, I'm an idiot."

The girl chuckles at your statement. You glare at her but she just shrugs. "I didn't say it; you did," she smirks. You point at her. "Touche."

"Uhh, I never asked her name," you admit, scratching your cheek. Moriko rolls her eyes. "Typical. Can you at least tell me what she looks like?" The redhead questions.

You close your eyes as the image of the blonde girl appears in your mind's eye. Her shiny blonde locks and deep sapphire eyes. You open your eyes and glance at your friend. She tilts her head, her long orange locks effortlessly swaying with the motion.

"Well, she's one of the prettiest girls I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. She has beautiful golden locks and enchanting sapphire eyes," you say. Moriko raises an unimpressed brow. "Yeah, blonde hair and blue eyes--that really narrows it down," the girl deadpans.

You pout. Though to be fair, she is right. "Well, she always wears these like, gothic lolita chic dresses--and they suit her really well," you add. Moriko crosses her arm, her face scrunching up as she thinks.
"Wait a minute..." she says, holding a finger. You can practically hear the gar whirring in her head.

"When did you meet her?" You blink, surprised by the question. Your brain starts going into overdrive--you always found it hard to remember dates and times.

"Um, I don't remember the date; but it was the day I was training then you came, and all the girls started crowding around you--," you start but then the redhead interrupts. "--and you left without telling me?" Moriko finishes, raising a brow. You laugh guiltily.

"Yeah, sorry about that," you rub the back of your neck, looking away. Your friend's annyed expression melts into a smile.
"No prob. Anyways, that's when you first met?" She inquires. You nod.

The girl leans back once more as she continues to rack her brain for a possible match. You're certain she might know who the blonde is; Moriko knows and is friends with, pretty much everyone.
Suddenly, she snaps her fingers and points to you.

"Was she wearing a black-and-dark-blue gothic lolita dress with kinda like constellation patterns on the skirt? And bows in her hair, shoes, and dress? And were the shoes high heels? Oh, and was her hair coiled?" Moriko asks without pause.

You blink, shocked by how specific the questions were--and how close they were to the truth.
"Yes, yes, yes and...what's coiled hair?" You gaze at her curiously. The girl purses her lips.

"It's hair that kinda spins? Um...," she pauses, trying to think of a better explanation.
"Oh! You know right how some snakes wrap around their prey to stop them from escaping? Well, coiled hair is kinda like that. You can either have tightly coiled or loosely coiled; but, I just wanna know if her hair was coiled."

You nod, the mental image of a 'coiled' snake invading your mind. All of sudden, Moriko breaks out in loud laughter, clapping her hands. You flinch, shocked.
"What's so funny?" You ask. Moriko's laughter dies down into soft giggles. Wiping away the small tears at the corner of her eyes, she smirks.

"Oh, nothing. You're sure this friend of yours is a girl?" She shrugs, before inquiring. You gape for a moment. Does she really think you're that stupid?
"I may not be as smart as you, Moriko-chan. But I'm no idiot. I know the differences between girls and boys," you answer defensively.

But, your friend continues to smirk. Laughing at some sort of silent joke. You pout. 'What's so funny?' You narrow your eyes, staring at the redhead intently.
Finally, Moriko lets out an amused breath. "Well, the revelation will sure be hilarious at least," she shakes her head, grinning. You open your mouth to voice your thoughts, but the girl quickly waves you off.

"Anyways, I know the...girl you met," she nods. With a smirk, the redhead says:

"Her name's Manako Takujigou."

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