♡First Encounter♡

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Y/N looks around the park, a sigh leaving your lips. All the other children around you were playing with their friends and/or family--unlike you; you were sitting alone.

Your eyes shift to stare at your father--busily talking to someone on the phone. His short hair hidden under his velvet top hat. In the distance, you could hear Big Ben chiming--it was now mid-day.

That means you'll have piano in about 1 hour. You unconsciously smooth down your dress, your otherwise perfect posture slumping in resignation.

"Greetings!" A cheerful voice interrupts your thoughts. You blink in surprise and look up at the source of the voice. A boy--about your age--stares right back at you. As you scan him up and down, you couldn't help the judgmental look nor the slight frown that shamelessly pulls at your mouth.

All your life you've been surrounded by women with refinement, girls with frilly dresses, and boys brimming with arrogance; yet the boy in front of you was so utterly different.

He had messy orange locks, styled into a loose ponytail held together with a wild-looking red ribbon. He wore a pale yellow shirt with a picture of a cob of sweetcorn, along with denim shorts. He had a pair of white sneakers and black socks. He had a black fingerless-glove on his right hand, and a red ribbon tied to his left wrist.

It was definitely an odd choice of wardrobe, to say the least.

The most notable feature though, were his eyes; they were a very dark pink--almost red. Despite its dark hues, his eyes gleam and shone as brightly as his pearly-white teeth. He was so different than anyone you've ever met.
But...you can't say you hate it.

Hesitantly, you nod. "S-salutations..." you reply meekly. The boy tilts his head, his smile never faltering.

"Well, that was a short chat," he quips, grinning. "May I sit?" He points to the swing beside you. You mull over the question, trying to find a reason for his friendly demeanor.

Never has someone interacted with you solely to be your friend; they often have an agenda of some sort--be it for money, gossip or other such stuff. But, his earnest gaze, his genuine smile; it didn't feel like he had any agenda.

"Sure," you answer after a moment of silence. Once those words left your mouth, the redhead flashes you another blinding smile.

"Thanks!" He chirps as if you had offered him something grand. As he sat down, you wondered; no one has ever reacted like that.
Whenever someone thanked you, they were never as enthusiastic as him. They thanked you formally because they expected that of you, they knew you'd do that; but, this boy thanked you so earnestly, so happily.

Was letting him sit beside you such a happy thing for him?

"Hey, you alright?" The boy asks suddenly. You flinch, snapping back to reality.
"Sorry, I was in my own world..." you mumble bashfully. He stares at you, unblinking. It's quite uncomfortable really.

'Wonderful, now he's going to think I'm weird,' you lament, internally sighing as you felt a blush creep onto your face.

It's not proper adequate to daydream. Most of your acquaintances have shot you odd glances when you reveal that you often, if not occasionally, like to imagine your own world. (Honestly, sometimes you wonder what era you're living in.)

"Ooh, what's your world like?" He gushes excitedly. You do your best not to gape, but you probably still come off as shocked, if the amused glint in the redhead's eyes are anything to go by.
"Umm...well.." you trail off, idly playing with your fingers. The boy observes you for a while before his eyes soften as a gentle smile lifts his lips.

"My world, is where the rest of the world could be like Viletown." He smiles at you, ever so soft and gentle.

Suddenly, you hear a voice calling out. It didn't sound like English--a foreign language then. The boy stood and waves at a man in the distance. Turning around, he beams apologetically.

"Sorry, I gotta go!" He bows, before hurriedly skipping away. (In the back of your mind, ypu notice that his speech has changed)
Your eyes widen a fraction and you force yourself to ask.

"W-will I see you again?"

The redhead pauses, turns around, and grins broadly. He nods. "Count on it!" He smirks, pointing at you for emphasis. He waves at you once more, before rushing away.

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