Choose Your Boyfriend

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(Don't anyone dare make some Pokemon jokes btws. You've been warned, Poke-fans.)

Hey, readers!
So, this'll be the section where I introduce the characters; aka potential husbandos! 🎉🎊(I think that's how you spell it; correct me)

I'll tell you now; in each story Y/N faces diferrent circumstances and situations. Because of that I'll also detail a little on the MC of each story.

For example, Berserk's Y/N is Venomless (a foreigner) while Blake's Y/N suffers from a rare and incurable disease.
Each story also has a different plot and aren't interwine.

*Spoiler* not until the ending at least...

Okay, I've digress for long enough. Here are the characters.

{Also, there is a short summary of how each story goes}



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1. Moroko Tsumiakadsu (aka Berserk)

Short bio: Moroko is a friendly, affectionate, and energetic teen with a dazzling smile. He's a jack of all trades and master of most. But depite his cheery nature, there is something...dark hiding beneath the smiling mask.

Appearance: Moroko has long artfully scruffy orange hair that reaches his hips if let down. He wear his signature red ribbon which is almost as wild-looking as his hair.

His eyes are two pretty pinkish-red orbs which seem to almost always gleam with glee. But whenever he's serious, angry, or any other emotion that can't be categorised as happy; his eyes turn into dark red--like dried blood.

His style is entirely dependant on the circumstances and his own intentions. If it's a formal event and intends on being taken seriously, he will wear smart-looking clothing and his hair will be more tidy (he'll still keep his ribbon though)

But, if it's an extremely casual event and he intends on being himself, he'll wear an odd mix of clothing. Frankly, it should look horrendous, but he somehow makes it work.

Personality: Roko (his prefered nickname) two words, an anomaly.

One moment he could be wearing a large dress that put Victorian women to shame, singing a tuneless song; the next, he's wearing a tux and looking well-groomed while skillfully playing a complex song on a piano with calm fluidity; another moment, he's wearing normal clothing as a pack of noisy children beg for his attention whom he shushes simply with a smile;

Or, he could be cutting something with frigtening brutality while either a malicious grin or an innocent smile plays on his lips.

You'll never know what to expect from this boy.

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