♧First Encounter♧

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You exhale a labored breath, as you look around your store. Empty. Completely empty--save for you, of course.
Taking the opportunity--and not because you were forced to--you decide to finish your homework.

Suddenly, you hear the ring of the bell. You perk up instantly.

"Hello there! Welcome to L/N Flowers!" You chirp brightly.
The person--a male with long black hair--flinches at your greeting. He looks down shyly, fidgeting. Your gaze softens and you offer a kind smile.

"I'm sorry if I surprised you. What would you like?" You inquire gently. A momet of silence hangs in the air.

Finally, he takes a deep breath and looks you in the eyes. "Do you have any black roses...?" He whispers, his pitch getting higher. You nod, fighting back a giggle.
Black Roses--or, sometimes called Raven Rose--are native to Viletown. You're quite certain no one can find Raven Rose naturally since no other country grows them...you think.

"Over there." You smile, pointing towards the flowers. The male's eyes light up, an excited smile on his lips. He practically skips over to them and gingerly grabs a small bouquet.

"Good choice! Is it for a special someone?" You tease lightly. The boy whips his head in your direction. He stares at you owlishly, unblinking. Then his face flushes vermillion.

"N-no! I-I mean, I do like h-her; but not l-like that! I just--" He stutters horribly, talking too fast for you to catch anything he says.
"Um, well, whoever she is, she's really lucky," you say, scratching the back of your neck.

The ravennete stops talking and looks away, shutting his eyes. A bright blush on his face, but a fond smile on his lips.

"She is..." he whispers, in such a soft voice you almost missed it. You smile, whoever the boy is so smitten over; she really is lucky! The ravennete in front of you is shy, sweet, gentle, and kind--and so utterly adorable.

You know that because he comes to your store at least once every two weeks. He absolutely loves flowers. You've never seen someone so passionate about flowers; boys especially! He also works part-time, usually during the summer break.

"Well, that'll be 1500 yen," you exclaim, grinning. He nods, handing you the exact amount.

"A-arigato, Ino-chan." He smiles, nodding.
Of course, your name is Y/N; but, your family owns a flower shop, your favourite colour is purple, and your hair is pale blonde--almost platinum.

So, your official nickname is now, and possibly forever will be, 'Ino'. You don't mind it, really. You consider it a compliment; since Ino is one of the most beautiful anime girls you know.
(Besides, a blonde with blue eyes, that's beauty and brains? What's not to love?)

The raven-haired boy brushes his hair away, and shoots you another shy, but gentle smile. He nods, and walks away, tenderly holding the bouquet.

After the boy leaves, you once again recline in your chair. You must admit, you are curious who the lucky girl is. You have managed to get a bit of info from him.

The girl has onyx hair as well, and she helped him be confident in himself--if by a bit.

Maybe one day you'll find out who she is. But for now, you glance at your book, resigning to your fate with a sigh;

You better finish your homework.

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