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Okay, so...
Yeah, I'm making a BF scenario book. Mostly, cause of a simple, simple reason...


Besides, why not?
Personally, I think this'll be fun.

Oh, here are some important notes:

1. The characters are almost exactly like my EVHaH book, so I have to prioritize my main story. Since some of these scenarios, might end up giving info that's not yet in my main story. Because of that, this book'll have slower updates

Update: the characters will be following my OwnFamily AR. Read headcanon book for details. But basically, the AR is where the Punks and Rights aren't related; they're merely friends and each of them have their own family

2. Let's say, you're with Brat--or, in this case, Manako. Even though the blond Punk is now gender-bent, the rest of the team remain girls. So only one of the Punks will be changed. It'll be confusing, but--like I said before--you'll understand why.

3. Some topics might be uncomfortable. It's VILEtown afterall. Don't worry, I'll put a warning early-on.

That's basically it.....


JK! Of course there's more!

I want to/might add 2 more character;
Dexter and Lessluvs

For those who don't know, Lessluvs is Morbucks counterpart. Lessluvs is kind, sweet and generous. And so on. She's a bit docile and shy. Oh, and she'll be a he, of course. And, I think Morbucks is her actual name; so, Lessluvs will remain as it is. (To be fair, Morbucks and Lessluvs sound very gender-neutral)

Dexter is...well, Dexter. If you don't know him, obviously you have neither read my main story, nor watched his show. But basically, Dexter is Berserk's best friend--besides her siblings that is. Dexter is also a boygenius. He has a soft spot for Moriko, and...well, you'll have to read my book to know the rest.

Anyways, that's basically it. I won't be publishing the first chap. Yet.

Let me know whether to add Dexter and Lessluvs. Since I don't want to like, finish the book half-way then--suddenly--you guys think I should add Dexter. And, since I'm adding the boy genius, might as well add Lessluvs.

She deserves love too! (Judging by her name she needs it)



I have a brilliant idea, an idea you probably didn't even think of, an idea no one (probably) else would think of.

Okay so, here it is:

What if...
I add (a younger version) of Oppressor Plutonium and Jomo Momo?



Tell me what you all think--and whether I should do this or not (including the characters mentioned above)



Boyfriend Scenario [Rights & (male)Punks]Where stories live. Discover now