Something about those words make Hyejin's chest tighten with worry.

Hyejin scoots herself closer to the girl on the somewhat cold floor. She pushes away some hair out of Wheein's face, before pressing a gentle kiss to her temple and allowing a thumb to trace her cheekbone.

"Okay," Hyejin says near her ears, almost like a whisper. "I'm ready when you are then."

Wheein manages to muster up a small smile to Hyejin's tone of reassurance. There was a certain warmth that filled her from just that alone. Along with that, she stands up, grabbing ahold of all her sketchbooks before heading to the bed; luckily it was just big enough to suit the two of them. Hyejin just follows right after and sits herself down just a bit behind Wheein so that her head was able to rest lightly atop the girl's shoulder.

Hyejin then looks over Wheein's shoulder to the order of which she was placing the sketchbooks in. There were only four of them, and from left to right, they all contained distinct patterns on their covers to indicate at which age Wheein had which. The one on the very left one was light green in colour and had a cute pattern of white cartoony butterflies plastered throughout. The following one was purple, with splotches of white, pink, red, and green on its surface, a scribble of a white flower bud in the middle, and another butterfly sat atop. The next one was orange in colour, yet light enough to appear almost pink, a darkened heart was in the middle, another white butterfly sat atop. And finally, the last one was white, and the middle sat an abnormally large scribble of a red butterfly. She wonders about the commonality between all the butterflies. 

"We can, um, skip the first one," Wheein inputs in. "It's just very childish drawings, you know, what a fourth grader can do. They weren't very good."

Hyejin frowns slightly, murmuring to herself, but making it purposely loud enough for the girl to hear, "But I still want to see..."

Wheein considers for a moment, a hidden smile on her face. "You're going to tease me a lot, though."

Hyejin shifts herself closer to Wheein, merely pressing her body against Wheein's back, leaving basically no room between the two of them.

"Mmmh, that's the whole point, Angel," She smirks lightly. "I know you love it when I tease you."

She's not wrong. Wheein can feel the heat in her ears from the name, which then painfully crawls its way onto her face. She felt as if she wouldn't be able to escape from Hyejin's teases alive, and she knew that Hyejin absolutely found joy in making her flustered. Not that she was bothered by it though.

"It takes me a long time to fill these up," she points out, letting her hand caress the surface of the first sketchbook. She hadn't touched it in years, and she could see that her fingers accumulated some miniscule specks of dust. "Because... I-I don't know... I guess I was really picky on what to draw."

Wheein brings the first sketchbook in her lap and opens the first page. Right away, on the first page of the book, printed in Wheein's young, immaculate handwriting, stood the words in bright colours, 'WELCOME TO JUNG WHEEINIE'S SKETCHBOOK', coupled with many small drawings of smiley faces, rainbows, hearts, and stars printed all over the page. At the bottom of the page stood the words 'DO NOT OPEN! PRINCESSES ONLY'. Oh, how she was very possessive of her own art even at a young age. Wheein can feel herself internally cringe as she hears Hyejin chuckle right behind her.

She begins to flip through the pages slowly, and Hyejin could very much see a child's imagination in these drawings. They were mostly, if not all, just simply doodles and sketches in the most random colours one could possibly find. Some were of animals, flowers, and princess castles, all in drawn in cute, asymmetrical shapes. And yes, Hyejin did find herself teasing Wheein for some of them, but she doesn't go overboard.

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