14 | she's the reason

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hi! quick update again?

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

It was at that moment,
where she felt that hint of peace
settle in her heart,
from the certain warmth that does not belong to her
wrapped around her sensitive body,
grazing amongst her skin
and creating the safest of havens.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Wheein's eyes slowly flutter open. For a moment, she thought her eyes were somehow glued together, a slight stinging sensation in her lids. But as she is able to open them, her vision hazy with the world outside still in its sleepy state, a low-registered yawn leaves her mouth as she aggressively rubs at her eyes with her sleeves like a whiny child whose sleep had been interrupted. After a few moments, her head and body relaxes back onto the pillow and sheets, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

Usually when she would wake up𑁋if successful in acquiring a somewhat good amount of sleep𑁋she would have the urge to just melt into her pillow, dreading for whatever comes next in the day for her. However this time, she didn't exactly feel the way at all. And although she wanted to drift back to sleep for a few more hours of slumber, it was quite possibly for a better reason than before. How does she describe it? In this morning, she felt more awake than usual, and it was rather strange. This morning, the atmosphere around her felt more peaceful, and scared her slightly.

She finds herself listening to the mere silence around her, though interrupted by the annoyance of a single branch tapping against her window from time to time. She listens to her own steady and quiet breathing, the somewhat cold air in her room making her shiver. However as she begins to relax once more, the air in her room turns warm, now making her fully attentive as she lifts up a curious brow.

That is, until she could feel something shift a bit from right behind her𑁋the shivers of paranoia now fully answered to her wake. And as she didn't notice before, Wheein could feel that the sweater she was wearing had shifted up slightly, making the skin on her stomach slightly exposed. Yet as she was supposed to feel cold, she could feel something warmly laying flat on her exposed skin.

Wheein attempts to move her legs slightly, but completely unsuccessful as she could feel something intertwined with hers. Frowning, the heavy urge to try to turn her small body around to see what was behind her, but at the same time, this could be just an unusually calming nightmare and she was somehow in a state of sleep paralysis and was wrapped into the arms of some sleepy being𑁋she wouldn't be surprised if she actually was, to be honest.

But as she lifts her head up from the pillow, it completely dismisses the assumption of sleep paralysis.

After a few moments, a familiar, flowery scent surrounds her𑁋that is when Wheein could feel her heart pounding once more. She attempts to glance down to where she knew her stomach was exposed, being able to make out the shape of a hand that definitely wasn't her own. She tries to calm herself down, breaths becoming shaky once more. Wheein knew there surely wasn't anyone else in the room but her...

...and Hyejin.

A state of panic rushes through Wheein, with the growing urge to shove Hyejin off the bed unconsciously. She didn't even know what to do or what to even think at that moment, hoping that her panicky condition wouldn't be able to wake the girl up. Her thoughts begin to race𑁋why was Hyejin sleeping in the same bed as her? How did that even happen? And the feeling of Hyejin's hand on top of her stomach makes her seize, since perhaps at some point during the night her sweater just had to roll upwards.

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