06 | she's an angel without wings

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enjoy some plotless nonsense while we're at it :)

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Every time I'm around you,
it's hard to put feelings to words.
So I just sit there in silence,
washing the idea of your existence
over me.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Hyejin didn't mind the quietness at all𑁋sometimes just listening to the unique and unusual sounds of nature, such as the sounds of falling leaves, or the quiet breeze that whispers through the air, it can truly help her clear her mind from everything. It made her feel quite sensitive to everything around her. And with the added addition to the light scribbles of Wheein's pencil next to her, it made her feel slightly more relaxed.

She didn't know how long she has sat under the tree with Wheein𑁋perhaps around an hour or two. It didn't take long for her to come to the conclusion that her mother wasn't at all in the mood to pick her up from school, and Wheein didn't seem bothered to question it at all. In fact, the girl was just glued to the sketchbook in her hands, the cover of the book standing up so that Hyejin wasn't able to see what she was drawing. 

Hyejin lightly chuckles at her subtle glance in Wheein's direction, who was still drawing away in her sketchbook. Hyejin quietly picks up her phone that sat in the grass, turning it on before aimlessly scrolling through the various social media apps on her phone. She had been longed convinced that being on social media isn't exactly the best choice in the world, but seeing the way other peoples' lives work from all over the world truly interested her, especially how she regularly looked at the ones who were more productive and prettier than her𑁋the ones who had their shit more together than her, the ones who put the bare minimal of effort in their own appearances and always appear more lively and beautiful than her, the ones who completely thrived with matching the beauty standards of the society she lives in. 

The constant degradation she had faced throughout her years of changing schools really put her mental level at a level way... below average. However she had learned to hide it through her horrible habit at attempting to be intimidating. But the more she tries to stand up for herself, the more she slowly loses a part of herself. The feeling of being drowned in the words of other people, along with the words of her own, just seemed to be completely normalised for her. She hated it, but no matter where she went, it just wouldn't stop. 

An exhausted groan finally makes Wheein look up from her sketchbook, turning slowly in the direction of Hyejin who was scrolling aggressively through whatever was on her phone. Wheein lowers her pencil down, glancing at the drawing on her paper before silently closing her sketchbook. 

At the same moment, though, Hyejin shuts her phone off with slight anger and aggression. Wheein doesn't notice yet, only continuing to place her belongings back inside of her backpack. The rustling of sounds makes Hyejin switch her gaze towards Wheein, facial feature softening as  she watched with slightly saddened eyes the girl gathering up her things as if preparing to leave. 

"Planning to leave now?" Hyejin asks, making Wheein immediately stop in her place. Hyejin just faintly smiles, looking up at the significantly darkened skies before looking down at the time on her phone, 4:26 p.m. "I guess it is getting late." 

Wheein didn't even notice how long the both of them have been sitting together under the tree. She was generally surprised that Hyejin was still there and that she hadn't been picked up yet, since usually it would be her to leave first. She was too invested in trying get over her nervousness around Hyejin by working on a particular drawing in her sketchbook𑁋guess she was too focused to even notice, or she was too focused on trying not to let her thoughts and anxiety takeover her. It wasn't a lie that drawing and art helps Wheein escape from everything around her. She didn't understand if she was just being paranoid and nervous because she had someone to sit with after school now, or that someone she is sitting next to is Hyejin. 

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