11 | she's the special one

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thank you all for 1k reads!! <3

enjoy the chapter and i hope you like the new simplistic cover for the book! there's a chance i might change it back, but idk, lmk thoughts !

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

She stares at them
as if a galaxy had been made,
she listens to them
as if their existence was more than rare,
she consumes their voice
as if it's the last sound she'll ever hear.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

"So, you're planning on just leaving me here? By myself? While you fly to a whole other country to visit Dad?"

It was a new morning and Hyejin already finds herself to be awoken with a fit of confusion and frustration. The amount of unanswered questions made her mentally exhausted to even find the answers for them, but it was enough to make her feel a sudden rush of anger in her system. She knew that her mother wouldn't answer them, or perhaps the woman didn't have the answer yet. Whatever it was, she just needed to let out the lava inside of her.

Judging from the dead look on her mother's face𑁋the woman sitting at the dining table sipping on a plain cup of coffee𑁋and her tense posture, she knew there would be some sort of exchange of arguments that'll happen regardless.

"How can you avoid talking to me for weeks, then suddenly telling me that you're going on some sort of vacation?" Hyejin tried her best to not raise her voice, and though it wasn't exactly working, she hoped her mother wouldn't be the one to return with an aggressive attitude of her own, thus making Hyejin snap and lose her self-control. "That's just so stupid!"

That's how it would be when she finally reached her limit: losing her self-control and being unaware of everything around her. She hated the times when she would be angry as losing her self-control wouldn't exactly be a good thing for her and perhaps the other people around her. She was scared of the power she might have with her words—that's why she's always cautious with what she's saying, or sometimes she just doesn't speak at all and just lets it all come to her.

She was scared of hurting someone from her words.

Just like at her other schools.

The very first time she had moved schools was due to the bullying, yet her anger was also responsible such so. It happened during such a young age𑁋it made just be deemed as a simple temper tantrum, but making a couple of 10-year-old boys cry wasn't exactly a good thing at the time to her, her parents, and the school.  And making one of them head home with a broken nose really didn't help her already tarnished reputation at all.

That was a very fun year. Hyejin thinks, mentally rolling her eyes.

"Don't raise your tone on me, Ahn Hyejin," her mother warns, tone of voice monotone. "It's not a vacation, simply a brief trip to tend to some business. I have to talk with your father about a few things, since he won't be back for another month or so."

Great, that makes it sound even more suspicious when you don't even tell me. Hyejin urges in her mind, feeling her fists clench tightly together next to her, making her nails dig into her skin.

"Is it about me?" she tests, the fake impoliteness in her voice totally poisoning her. "That's what you said to me𑁋this is because of me, right? What are you trying to get me to do? What the hell𑁋th-this doesn't have to be a big deal if you'll just tell me!"

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