18 | she's the magnet of her heart

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and also, please enjoy the chapter. i hope you love it <3

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

She never believed in love at first sight;
never believed in the feelings of love
because she was scared of losing it,
and losing herself.
But how could that explain the way
her heart possesses a magnet,
dragging herself slowly,
like a gravitational pull
to a place impossible to escape from?

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Wheein trails down the art hallway, having already memorised each classroom and which teacher they belonged to, despite their being only around three teachers in the hallway and the only art teacher being Hyoyeon. A nervous smile remains at her face as she watches herself picking up her feet one by one, slowly arriving towards Hyoyeon's classroom. She had already texted Hyejin earlier if they would be able to meet up in the woman's classroom, the younger girl agreeing to meet her there so they could leave together.

She didn't know what to expect this evening at all. She didn't know at all what she was planning to do, planning to hear, and she's been overthinking whether or not it was a good idea to agree with going. But it already happened; she already agreed, guess there's no going back now. And Hyejin... how could she deny an offer from Hyejin? How could she deny the source of how she felt𑁋how she felt happier, how she felt so safe being with her, despite Hyejin insisting her indifferences with herself?

Wheein knew Hyejin wasn't a bad person, no matter how much Hyejin labeled herself to be. She's a good person, a great person, who let her destructive emotions take over her. She had all the reasons and the right to be angry with those people𑁋Wheein herself would have been mad as well. It's just that Hyejin had bottled up her anger to the point where she bursted and had no control of herself. Wheein had ought for herself to be more angry with the people who said all those malicious comments about Hyejin. If she had the strength or even the voice, she'd protect Hyejin from all those people. God, she would do anything to protect her.

Arriving to the door, she takes in a breath before heading in as discreetly as she could in case Hyoyeon was busy.

"I appreciate your help, Miss Kim. Thank you so much for contributing."

Then Hyoyeon's voice pops in, "Anything for a meaningful prom at the end of the year, good luck girls."

"Oh, Wheein-ah! Didn't expect to see you here." A familiar, deep voice freezes Wheein up in the doorway. The girl looks up to see her upperclassmen... acquaintances? Friends? Or just Yongsun and Byulyi in the same room as her. She delivers a small smile in the direction of Byulyi, acknowledging with a slight bow.

Yongsun didn't seem to notice yet, busily conversing something with Hyoyeon. Wheein just bites at her lip, making her way towards an available chair to patiently wait. What was Yongsun and Byulyi doing in here with her? It was certainly an encounter she didn't at all expect to see, or find herself being involved in. She watches as Byulyi returns to her spot next to Yongsun, an arm pressed against the older girl. It seemed like Yongsun didn't mind the closeness, especially in front of a teacher, like she had been used to it for a while now.

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