{ Chapter 11 }

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tws: self harm/ cuts mentions
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< 3 George POV
November. We all love November right? November the last month of the fall season, the lad month of golden leaves across the lonely streets. It was 1st November, also my birthday. I wake up feeling the bed very unweighted and very left, Clay had leaved the bed. I was very confused on where he went. I was such an overthinker. 'probably nobody knows it's my birthday' I started to get out of bed feeling again, and now casual very weak , but I had enough strongess in me to get myself down the stairs
"morning.." I hang my hands around my face now taking them off. I stared.
"SURPRISE !" a little kitten was there in a little hanger crawling around the fluffy sheet
"You didn't... Clayyy" I tear up now crying, I was fantastically surprised and very happy.
I take the little kitty out holding it in my hands, it was so adorable and cute, I can't believe he got me a fricking cat?!
"Thank you.. a lot Clay, for the surprise" I stuttered wanting to hug him but instead he approached me, except, he remembered me of someone.. I flitch , he looked at me worries "Are you ok..?"
"I don't want to start my morning like this, please" I begged "Alright .. hungry?"
I didn't want to eat, didn't want to put to much pressure on my weight, I refused with a shook now taking my kitty upstairs.
'cat' that's how I named her, it's not too original but, I loved it, anything would've fit her. I leave her on the bed now me going to the bathroom, lifting my sleeves that we're exposing my cuts
"Hey Georg-"
I lift my sleeves down
"George.. you don't.. you know.., cut?"
it was my birthday. I already fucked up.
"Not now.." he was in tears "George, than when?! When you're going to be in a hospital?! or even worse. dead "
I felt hugely bad but I couldn't do it anymore, never said it, never discussed about this one but I was being stalked, abused by texts, warned and anything bad by Cody, since he left he kept messaging me, like crazy.
"One day I'll be ready" I cried in Clays arms

Here I am. Sitting near the person who I trust the most healing me, healing my problems, gosh bless his heart..
"Thank you.." I said shyly, I never wanted to go through my self harming moments but I couldn't heal up that fast, but I didn't want to go to a therapist.. I already have one in front of me, now helping me by actions.
"Do you want to do something today, maybe go for a walk around the town? Or shopping? Anything you'd like!
"I'm not sure I'm really tired.."
"Then we can stay home and sleep" he kissed my head
"i love you George, you can always talk to me, anything, literally anything , alright?" I nod squeezing his hand, I wanted to get better.
I grabbed cat form the floor and walked down, "actually lets go somewhere, anywhere " I smiled
"Got some motivation I see" he chuckles

(550 words)
TikTok: >that.beloved<
sorry for short chapter:[ I'm trying my best I promise I'll try to write more and post more<3

゚✧*i love you..// dnf ♡Where stories live. Discover now