{ Chapter 1 }

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[{ tws: abuse, self harm, bullying, swearing, alcohol }] !!

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(A/N before getting called out why is there no dnf in the firsts parts. Read description first ^^. )

- <3 3th person
‧₊˚. - A small little person in a medium bed was laying peacefully on it. It was pretty early in the morning and the clock goes off. He groans, he was tired and very scared for the day. George. His name was George. George could barely walk, he got bruises all over his legs because well... he was getting bullied at school by some oh-so popular people. The rich , spoiled and homophobic kid in his high school was named Clay. He was a genuinely a big jerk.

‧₊˚. - As he wakes up, slowly walks up to his bathroom and just stared, stared to his pale skin and very purpled arms. He was ashamed. He washes his face and brushes his teeth but very very slowly because he was feeling alots of pain, fully body.
- He goes on to pick up some clothes, casually a hoodie and some sweatpants because nobody knew about his bruises and pain. He was mostly alone without any friends, even tho he was the smartest kid, he was still very lonely .

‧₊˚. - As he goes in to his kitchen he sees his dad on the couch fainted from drinking to much alcohol. He was scared to death of his father. He made a sandwich with his favorite topics: butter, salami and cheese . He loved it because his sister , that died of a car accident , always made it like that every time George was feeling down. He missed his sister more than anything on the world and he will never forget the one who drove, her abusive boyfriend. Tsk. He hated him and
he still does.

‧₊˚. -He quietly get out of the house and walks to school, gladly it wasn't to far away so He didn't need to walk to much. He was happy about that but as he walks into school everything falls down the hill. George walked inside and saw lots of people talking or going thro their lockers, but worst of all the group he was getting every time bullied was there, staring into his dead eyes. He quickly went over his locker to leave his bag and take his books for his firstly period. He thought he will be safe this break until.
"Hey loser" said one of the group
"Please don't hurt me I'm not trying to get you guys mad, please..." he said with tears in his eyes and his soft voice. " Blah blah" said the leader, Clay. He was the worse, he would always pick up on George and kick him until he can't breath. Clay picked George up and brought me to the male bathroom and from than it went blank. Kick after kick, punch after punch, he felt like dying right there. After they were done gladly he didn't faint, yet. He pushed himself to stand up and wash his bruises, it burned and felt like just stabbing him right in that place, he had every reason to. George decided to ignore that happen and walk out smiling when he wanted someone to cry to. He needed someone to vent to.
‧₊˚. - As he walked to his class he realized he was like 5 minutes late. He hardly could run but still tried, he walked in the classroom. Everyone stared, than the teacher goes off "Ah, dear lord George.. are you ok?" The teacher asked. George looked over Clay who was making the knife at the neck animation. He gulped. "Yeah! I just hit my head to the bathroom sick" he said with a tiring voice.
"Alright, take a sit and be careful next time" she said.He smiled and set down to his own table. ( A/N he also got kicked in the face but as he was wearing hoodie and sweatpants nobody could see the bruises on the rest of the body )
The lesson was boring as always but he remembered almost everything, as he was very good with memory. Before the class was done the teacher handed us a surprise pop quiz. He shooked. Because every time there was a quiz, test, exam, anything, Clay would hurt him if he wouldn't help him. Gladly he got moved away from Clay so he hoped he didn't need to help him. He got handed the quiz and started working. Within 5 minutes he was done, handed it to the teacher and left the classroom.

‧₊˚. - George walked out of the classroom to see a pretty tall guy sitting in a corner. He wanted to go and ask him if he's ok but he was very scared of what he'll say about him. As he was overthinking with his head down he felt a shoulder tapping....

‧₊˚. - He looked over to see a pretty brunette, with some ocean eyes, with a beautiful face literally he was perfect. he was the guy he saw sitting in the corner. Hey!" said the unknown guy.
"H-hi-" George said, smiling to him. His heart was racing, he hoped he would finally have a friend. "I saw you staring and thought you might need something" he said very nicely. Georges heart mealted. "Oh no I just wanted to ask if you are ok heh." He said while smiling. "Oh I am ok, also wanna be friends you seem cool:)." The person said. George would just jump around him of happiness but instead he widen up the smile as he was about to say yes " YES OF COURSE! AH YOU'RE MY FIRST FRIEND!!" He said almost screaming. "Great! My name is Cody and I'm 18!" George looked over him with happiness, he was very happy as you can see, he finally got a friend ." My names George and I'm 17!:]"
They went on and talk .

‧₊˚. -In a break Clay went over to George and asked him " Who is this you bitch boy?" he sounded jealous and very mad. "M-my friend" George said, but Clay went on and laugh. George laid his head down but as Cody saws he went on " Can't you take your bull$hit somewhere else " he said as he toke George and walked away from Clay. He felt bad for George, but he told him " hey it's ok! I'll be here to help you and protect you" He said smiling to George .
- George felt very glad for the first time in a long time . He felt safe with Cody . Before school was done he told Cody his number and his address Incase he wanna spent some time together .

‧₊˚. -George was finally done with school, he thanked and good byes Cody, he was happy and also pretty scared cause his dad was there. The moment he was in front of the door, he went inside to see broken bottles glass on the floor. He closed the door quickly and quietly and slowly go upstairs hoping he will not meet eyes with his dad. He hoped. " Hey brat. " George dads says. "Y-yes..?" He looked over to see his dad with a empty bottle almost seemed like he was about to throw it at him. Well guess what. That's what happened, blood was falling down his face, pieces all over the stairs and pretty much everything hurtful. He rushed up crying to his room and locked the door.

( tw cutting )
- He went quickly to the bathroom to heal his face, he softly toke the the glass stucked on . Gladly he was ok, nothing too bad just lots of blood. As soon as he healed up he fall down to the ground crying. He wanted to die, he felt weaker by everyday but than he saw the hiding blade under his sinks drawers. He didn't want to do it, his sister told him before she went on to the accident moment to promise her to never cut, as shocked George was for her knowing he promised. And since than he was clear. But he needed to do it. He rushed to get it and make ten cuts on each arms. He washed them with warm water and hid it as he went to his bed crying.
( tw over )

- As he cried he hears some knocks. He was fully scared. He thought that was the end of his life. It was his dad coming to try to kill George. But as he went to open the door he opened it just to see Cody. He thought to himself how he got inside, " H-how'd you get inside..? " George asked shocked.
" I wanted to visit you but I saw your dad leaving and he left the door open and went inside, he looked pretty drunk.. is he alright? "
Cody asked worried. "He might have drink too much heh..." George said very scared knowing he will see his face and start asking him a lot of questions. " Oh god are you ok, what's up with your face " Cody says as he burst inside and lift George's head as inspecting his damage. "Yeah just felt the stairs, pretty clumsy I can say.." he says. "George. These are pieces of glass damage what happened?!" Cody said worried." Nothing I promise, I'm ok!" As he waited a response from Cody he just takes his bag off his shoulder and gets out some alcohol and wets a piece of paper, gently patting on George's face, more correctly, on his bruises. George's face heated up, he felt like he was gonna melt right there, he appreciated Cody so much. "There you go, be careful next time !" Cody says and places a kiss on George's nose smiling.

- 1610 words <3

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