Day 24 - One Down Two to Go (Hawkins x Reader)

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"Who are these guys anyway?" you asked through the intercom, staring at the targets from your sniper scope.

"They're members from the group called the Supernovas," Koala informed you. "Also known as the worst generation of the underworld. These mobsters caused more chaos than the Yukuzas have done in their history."

"Aren't Luffy 'n' Zoro a part of them too?"

"Yes, undercover."

"Mhm..." you hummed knowing that wasn't the case.

"Okay, so they accidentally became members. Geez, what is with Sabo and his brothers?" Koala grumbled the last bit.

"You're asking me," you chuckled, just when one of your targets began moving. "Dove is on the move."

"Alright, keep your eye on him," Koala told you, followed by various sounds of clicking. "He just went into a location with no cameras, take the shot."

You pulled the trigger, the bullet firing right through his skull. No sound came thanks to Dragon finally getting you a suppresser sniper rifle. It took some money but this was for a noble cause.

"One down, two more to go," you mumbled moving the scope onto the one with the glasses and strange teeth.

"So the cards were right about you being up here?"

You flinched, reacting on your instincts and wiping your gun around. There stood a man with a neutral expression and long blond hair. No one should know you're up here, it was impossible to spot you from the outside. How did this guy find you?

"How interesting..." the blond started to pull out cards and place them onto what seemed to be thin air.

"Koala, we got a problem," you whispered to your operator. No answer came, but your internal panicking did. "Koala?"

"Don't bother trying to contact anyone."

"Alright, who the hell are you?!" you pointed the gun at him.

"I'd advise against that, your weapon of choice is more suited for long-range," the man calmly stated as he began flipping over the cards. "I am Basil Hawkins, it is nice to meet you, [L/n] [Y/n]."

"How do you know my name?" You weren't dumb, it was just a natural response someone gives when another already knows who they are. This guy probably did some research and found you.

"The cards tell me everything I need to know, like how you are not capable of taking a normal job after what happened with the Yukaza." Hawkins's eyes stared directly into you.

You staggered back, feeling exposed and vulnerable under his gaze, a rabbit cornered by a hawk. Normally, it wouldn't be like this, you could keep a cool head during missions. The situation at hand was not normal. The enemy knew something that could only be known in your mind, yet he did know.

"I have a question for you, Ms. [Y/n]." Hawkins began collecting his cards and shuffling them back into his deck. "You joined the organization that you working for with the main purpose that you need to kill people, and this was the only way you thought was noble and let you have some sanity to you. Have you thought of what's going to happen when they achieved their goal and no longer need your services?"

You sucked your breath, trying to stay calm. Not easy when this guy could read you like a book. You wanted him out of your head.

"[Y/n], come work for me."

"Why-" you took a deep breath so you wouldn't stutter and lowered your gun so you could force on your words. "Why would I do that?"

"I can provide you more than just a job to help you get by, I can help you find yourself again, regain inner peace, you can become more than just an assassin." Hawkins came closer, grazing his fingers over your cheeks.

His gentle touch eased you, and when you glanced into his golden eyes, you found reassurance in them. Your heart felt warm, whispering for you to press your cheek against his hand, telling you to accept his offer. The temptation beckons you, but your reasoning pulls you out of the trace. You didn't know what this guy's motives were and he could be one of the targets you were after. Instincts screamed at you to get out of there, but you only saw one way out.

"How do I know you're not bullshitting me or gonna just use me?" You questioned backing up to the ledge.

"I'm not but if you wish, you may use the cards if you can not take my word," Hawkins offered, holding out the stack of cards.

"Yeahhhhhh..." you peeked behind you to see you were right where you wanted to be. "Not today. See ya!"

You flipped back, hands latching onto the ledge as the rest of your body rotated off the buildings. You aimed your legs at the lower window and swung full force into the glass, shattering it into shards and landing on top of it all. The sharp pieces cut your skin and clothes, making you feel small pinches of pain.

"Ah..." you sucked in a breath as you got up, letting it go as you start walking out of there. "That was too close."

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