Day 14 - Under Pressure (Cavendish x Reader)

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"[Y/n]! [Y/n]!" Cavendish called for you, frantically searching the ruins of the city. "[Y/n], where are you?!"

He shouldn't have taken you with him on this journey, there is so much danger in this world. You would've been safe at home, but then the thought of you meeting someone else made his anger boil. Cavendish brought you with him so he could both keep you charmed by him and to have you in his sight. If only he didn't get too prideful to go ahead to take down the enemy. He didn't think how the enemy would affect others outside the battlefield, he didn't think you'd be in danger but he was wrong.

"[Y/N]!" Cavendish cried out, growing distressed the longer he couldn't find you.


His ears picked up the faint cry of his name from your voice. Quickly he dashed to the direction he heard it come from and listened intently for you to call his name again.

"Cavendish... help me..."

Cavendish followed your voice over to a massive boulder, he stopped for a second in shock that the enemy was capable of doing this kind of damage.

"Cavendish... over here..." you grunted, trying to get his attention.

"[Y/n]?" Cavendish glanced around to see where you were, hearing your voice so close to him. His eyes fell to the ground around the bolder and there you were, half your body crushed underneath the bolder. He dashed over. "[Y/n]! My dear sweet flower, how did this happen?"

"I... I don't know... it all happened so fast I- ahhh-" you hissed feeling a surge of pain rush through you when you shifted to talk to him.

"Don't move," Cavendish told you, kneeling by your side. "You'll only worsen your pain. Can you hang tight for just a minute?"

"I can try..."

"Alright, I'm going cut up this hideous rock now." Cavendish unsheathed his sword and sliced up the boulder, in a flashy way of course. Pieces of it fell but what was left formed a small heart with his name engraved in it. "A work of art if I do say so myself," he flattered himself, admiring his work then focused back on you. "Are you able to move, [Y/n]?"

"If by move you mean free then yes," you answer with a smile but it turned from grateful to a sad one. "But if you mean if I can walk..."

Cavendish glanced at your legs, the moment his eyes landed on them he felt horror being injected into his system and illness stir in the depths of his stomach. Your legs were completely crushed, the flesh was torn open and leaking blood, the bones were snapped and sticking out, and your feet were detached from your ankles. His eyes went to yours, he saw them fill with sorrow and the need to cry.

"[Y/n]..." Cavendish slowly came down to your side, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. He pulled you close to him, one hand on the back of your head, letting you weep your tears into his shoulder. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

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