We're dead! We're dead, we're dead, we're dead!

Start from the beginning

They ran out of options. The sails were still not fully secured, people were cowering in corners of the ship whimpering and crying begging for the gods to have mercy and the waves left little fires behind everywhere.

The waves.

"Caddie? Do you happen to know how many waves are left?"

"There'll be one more in precisely 7,9 seconds. Followed by the last and biggest magilla of them all." She shot her a look of confusion, almost like she was scared of what was about to come.

"Brilliant Dr. Heron!" Janis grabbed onto Cady's shoulders smiling widely. "We'll ride that last magilla out of here!"

Cady's jaw dropped. "Have you lost your goddamn mind-"

Janis didn't even let Cady lecture her on how crazy her idea was. She knew. She was terrified. But there was no other way.


"All sails secured, Captain!"

"Good man!" She grinned earning a questioning look from her friend. "Now, release them immediately"

There were protests coming from all over the ship. The whining and whimpering stopped turning into angry shouts.

"But we just finished tying them down!" Mr Samuels said from above followed by a "Make up your blooming minds!"

The sails were up way more quickly and everything was ready as the abyss started to surround them, squeezing them from all sides.

She looked at Cady for what could be the last time. She could see the terror in her eyes and there was a single tear rolling down her face as she said,

"Janis. The last wave! Here it comes!"

Janis nodded and looked forward again praying to all the gods that this is going to work. "Hold on to your lifelines gents! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!" She scanned the ship and for once there was no confident 'ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots', no fights, no talking back. Everyone was holding onto each other squeezing their eyes shut, shaking out of fear.

She looked at Cady who foolishly started to come closer to her, pressing her lips onto Janis', as it all went fully black.

She felt the wave underneath them, pulling away quickly tightening her grip around the steering wheel again. A warm light came from underneath them and it felt like hours until they finally got to the surface again. The stars were shining brighter than ever and it felt like weights upon weights were falling off Janis shoulders. The power of the ship turned up again, the beeping sounds of the console rang in her ears and everyone let out a collective sigh, soon followed by cheering, and much needed hugs.

But after a brief moment Janis realised something was missing. Or rather someone.

Caddie. Shit.

She loosened her lifeline and climbed up onto the observation deck looking for Cady.

"Caddie?" It was weird to use her first name - or nickname for that matter - in front of the crew. Unprofessional. But she couldn't give a shit.

"Caddie?!" Her heart was thumping in her chest, her footsteps got faster and louder as she searched the ship, but there was nothing. The deck, her state room, the kitchen... Cady was nowhere to be found. And when she got back to the console she found something.

A loose lifeline on the floor. No Cady.


Step one. Secure all lifelines. Failed. The ship went silent as Janis allowed herself to silently cry repeatedly telling herself that this couldn't be happening. They all had their heads down, silently mourning the wonderful human they've lost. 

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