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Hey guys, Antho here! I really don't know what to say except thank you so much for reading this book. Every read means a lot to me.

So this is the end of the road for Faded! I'm so glad I got to finish this book. Thanks a lot for reading guys!

I have decided to post a sequel for the book! But for now, I'll be off writing for a while so I can destress and plan the plot for the next book. School work is tough, especially if you are in the 11th grade! So probably in a month or two, I will post the sequel.

I also got tagged a few months ago, so I would be doing the ten facts about me challenge. If you have any questions about me, feel free to ask.

Update (20/09/2023): So out of sheer boredom, I decided to go back and update the ten fact about me lol. 

1. How old are you?

I'm sixteen now! :)

2. What's your shoes size?

I honestly don't know what my shoe size is right now lmao.

3. How tall are you?

I'm about 5" 9'

4. What's your favorite colour?

My favorite colours are red and black.

5. What's your favorite food?

Anything eatable 😂😂😂

6. Relationship Status?

I'm proudly single

7. Crush?

For now, I'm not crushing on anyone

8. Interesting fact about me?

I dislike anime. Yeah, kill me.

9. Colour of eyes?


10. Number of siblings?

I only have a sister.

Now it's time to tag people. If you don't like to be tagged, I'm sorry:










Anyways, I will get back into writing in a month like I said.

I will announce the release of the book here when it's ready

If you have any ideas on how the book would go, didn't hesitate to send them in my inbox.

And till we meet in the next update: Keep shining, keep smiling 😁 😁😁

~Antho 🖤

Faded: A Marinette Depressed AUWhere stories live. Discover now