Chapter 3

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When we walked into class, I noticed that the seats were changed. Instead of me sitting beside Alya, I saw Nino in my place and with Adrien's seat empty. Forget Ladybug, Alya is my superhero!!!

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Alya! Now I can sit next to Adrien and that will boost our relationship even more, then we will for sure get married, have three kids and a dog, no cat, no hamster. Yes, a hamster named....," but before I could continue, I gasped in shock. "Oh my holy realization. If I sit next to Adrien in class, then I won't focus. Then I'll probably fail, then get kicked out of school. Then for sure Adrien will no longer like me. Then we'll probably have to break up, then we won't get married, have three kids and a cat- not a cat Marinette, you already have one in your life- a hamster named......"

"Chillax, Mari. Yeah I know like I'm the best and I make things happen here," Alya starts flipping her hair, sending my face into my hand, "...but I didn't design this seating arrangement for you."

"But if you didn't arrange the seat for me, then who did you...,"

"Good morning class"

"Morning Ms. Bustier."

"Today, we have a new student joining us," Ms. Bustier announced. Then turning to the girl with sausage-like hair (no offence) and olive eyes, she asked her to introduce herself.

Something about this new girl felt off...

"Hello everyone! My name is Lila Rossi and I just moved here from Italy. My mom and I just went on an around-the-world tour and visited almost every single city in the world. I am so sorry that you guys have to accommodate me with all my physical disabilities. You see, I have a condition called tinnitus that affects my right ear. I got it when I ran to the tarmac of an airplane to save Jagged Stone's kitty. By jumping away just in time, I also sustained arthritis," the girl said

That's it! That's the problem! She lies! Jagged Stone does not have a kitten, only a crocodile. I have to stop her before she causes any harm.

"And...," she starts, lowering her voice, "I have a secret, but you guys must not tell a soul." We all promised not to say anything. Then she opened her giant mouth to say the most dreadful thing I ever heard.

"I am Ladybug's best friend and I know her identity!"

"YOU WHAT?!!" I screamed

"That's right. She adores me and promised me that one day she'll give me a miraculous."

Oh that does it. She's crossed the line. I'm going to kill this witch.

But before I could do anything, my classmates were worshipping the she-devil like a god.

"Omigosh Lila! You saved Jagged Stones' kitten! That means you are a hero! Can I have your autograph?"

"I want to marry a goddess like you"

"Ugh, whatever"

"I can't believe we have an internet sensation in our class"

"And I can't believe that you guys are actually eating up all her lies," I say

"WHAT?!!!"the class screeched

"Oh come on, guys. Seriously? Around the world tour? Tinnitus? Jagged Stone's kitten? Worst of all, being Ladybug's best friend?!! Are you guys for real? I know for sure that Jagged Stone does not have a kitten. And if he did, the airport would not allow you to get that close to the airplane. If not, we would probably be seeing your body parts for biology class. It's not good to lie, you know," I say with a huff before sitting down

Then the entire class looks at Lila for an answer while I smirk like a slay queen.

But before I know it, I see a water fountain of tears gushing down her eyelids. What?!

"Marinette, why are you so against me? I just got here and you already accuse me of lying? How could you?" Lila asks in between sobs

Immediately, the class got annoyed with me

"Marinette, that was not cool"

"Why did you have to be so mean?"

"Apologize to Lila, Marinette"

"It's okay guys, I forgive Marinette. After all, not everyone gets to be best friends with the Ladybug," Liar- I mean Lila said. Ugh.

"Okay class, settle down," Ms, Bustier called. "Today we are going to be learning about a very important artist called Leonardo da Vinci. Please open your books to page 32 chapter 7...."

I then turn to Adrien. "You believe me, right?"

"Of course, Marinette. I know her. She was one of the models my da asked me to model for. She told me about her being the daughter of the president of France, then I found out it was a lie."

"And she can't be Ladybug's best friend. She only has one best friend! Her number 1 reporter!" Alya chimed in

"So you are leaving me now, Alya. I thought I was your best friend," I said quickly. I haven't told Adrien that I'm Ladybug yet and Alya almost let it slip

"I was jst joing, Mari! I'll never leave you," Alya said getting the gist

"Don't worry, Marinette. Just leave the liar alone. I wouldn't want us to cause another Akuma attack. As long as we believe you, you're fine," said Adrien.

"Yeah," I said. After all, Akuma battles with ShadowMoth has been quite tough these days.

"By the way Marinette, I'm sorry for trying to give away your seat without permission," Alya said

"It's okay, I..."

"Marinette, Adrien and Alya please quiet down," Ms. Bustier said

"Sorry," we replied.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! New ones will come very soon. But for now, keep shining and keep smiling! 


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