Chapter 8 - The First Shoe

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January 19

Castiel was getting ready for the dinner when he received a call from Dean "hello handsome" he tried to keep it together but Dean seemed to be doing the opposite "ALL I HAVE IS FLANNEL!!" He yelled over the phone "relax Dean, it's not a formal dinner or anything, I already asked Gabe about it" Castiel continued to grab a sweater and jeans from his closet  "but all of my t shirts have grease stains on them" he whined "borrow one from Sam then" "that giant? No way" "shut up jerk!" Sam yelled from the background of the call

"Just wear the one with the least noticable stain, now I need to go, see you soon" Castiel hung up and got dressed, slipping into a white t shirt, blue jeans, and a soft, black and white cardigan sweater

It was 4:30 when he heard the sound of Baby pulling up "see you Crowley, I'll be home later" the cat just meowed, he grabbed his trenchcoat from the coat rack and walked out, locking his apartment door behind him, the cold winter air hit him, Sam had already moved to sit in the back "hello handsome" Castiel kissed Dean on the cheek "gross" Sam rolled his eyes with a little smile "shut up bitch" "whatever jerk" the three laughed then Dean started driving with Castiel giving directions

"So what are your brother's like anyway Cas?" Sam leaned forward when he asked the question "well you already know Gabe and Balth won't be there but Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, and Ezekiel are very religious, Gadreel, Samandriel, and Alfie not as much, the triplets are more drill sergeants than big brothers but our dad was a veteran so it makes sense, speaking of which, no matter what you do, do not ask about our mom and dad, it's a very touchy subject, Michael is the oldest brother so he rules over everyone except Gabe, Lucifer has anger issues and can be a creep sometimes, Raphael is pretty boring but very judging, Ezekiel is the perfect child, Gadreel is the troubled child, and the younger twins are the sweetest things you'll ever meet but are too frightened to speak up, any questions?"

Castiel looked around the car but neither brother said anything "nothing? Okay, make a left right there and then stop" Castiel pointed up ahead, Dean followed the directions leading them to a giant house in a rich neighbourhood "you didn't tell me you were rich Cas!" Sam was shocked from the size of the house "I'm not, my brothers are"

Once they stopped, Castiel took a deep breath "it's not too late to bail" Dean rubbed his arm ""It'll be alright" Castiel glanced at the time 4:56pm, he knew his brothers would say something about arriving early but it's better than arriving late "let's go" the three stepped out of the car

Dean was wearing a black t shirt, a deep red flannel, and black jeans with a black jacket over, Sam on the other hand was wearing a grey t shirt, a buttoned up pale orange flannel, light blue jeans, and a khaki coloured jacket "you guys look great" he smiled at the Winchesters "thanks angel, tonight will be great" he kissed Castiel's forehead

They approached the door at 4:57pm, Castiel rang the doorbell, soon enough a boy younger than Castiel but older than Sam, dressed in a red sweater opened the door, his blue eyes shined at the sight of Castiel

"Castiel!" "Alfie!" The two hugged "come in, you must be Dean and Sam" his voice was soft "your coats can be hung right there" he gestured to hooks on the wall labelled guest, Castiel looked to the other side of the entrance way, his hook was still there, label and all, no jackets were hung on it, still, he hung his trenchcoat on the guest side, he hadn't been the Castiel Novak they wanted for a long time

"Is that Castiel?!" Another blue eyed boy appeared, this one wearing a white sweater "hello Samandriel" Castiel pulled his other little brother into a hug "everybody's in the kitchen" Samandriel said, him and Alfie leading the way "Castiel! Brother! It's nice to see you" this slightly older man also had blue eyes but they were paler, he was wearing a red t shirt and grey zip up hoodie "hello Gadreel" Castiel hugged him as well

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