Chapter 2 - What Do I Do??

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December 17

2 weeks went by, the green eyed man came into the coffee shop at the same time everyday and ordered the same thing everytime, on the weekends he dragged in Sam with him, Castiel still didn't know the green eyed mans name and he never had the confidence to ask seeing as they usually only communicate for about 5 minutes a day

"Welcome to Coffee from Heaven, where the coffee's heavenly, let me guess, two medium coffees with cinnamon and some apple pie" Castiel smiled as the green eyed man walked in with Sam right on time "how did you know?" The green eyed man laughed "real funny De" Sam rolled his eyes De? What could that be short for? Castiel thought of all the possibilities but couldn't pinpoint one specific example that would suit a man this beautiful

"You alone today? Don't see any of your buddies around" De asked Castiel gesturing to the space around him "yeah, Charlie's got a cold, Kevin's busy, and Gabe's at his other job but I don't mind, today's going by pretty slow anyway, I just wish our boss would hire some people that would actually show up" Castiel said but shrugged it off once he seen De's apologetic face, he just continued pouring the coffee

"Sammy, you've been looking for a job right?" "Yeah" the taller boy said shyly "do you think your boss would hire him? He could work weekends and after school, I would make sure to bring him anytime he's needed" he said excitedly "yeah, I'll talk to my boss, is there a number I could reach you at?" Castiel asked Sam "yeah, uh, do you have a pen and paper?" Castiel set the coffee and pie down on the counter in front of the boys, reaching for his notepad that he barely uses, Sam gave Castiel his cell number then following their daily ritual, De threw down some money, winked at Castiel and walked out with Sam

December 20

The green eyed man had already stopped in at his usual time but because of how busy Monday mornings are, the pair didn't have time to talk like they usually do

That afternoon there was a surprise in store for Castiel and Charlie

"Welcome to Coffee from Heaven, where the coffee's heavenly, what can I get for you today?" Charlie said then looked up to see their boss Hannah, Castiel quickly walked over to the front counter "hello Castiel, Charlie" "no offense ma'am but what are you doing here?" Castiel asked timidly "I'm here because you called me about a new hire, who is he and when can I meet him?" She said looking directly at Castiel

"Well I believe he's at school right now but I can message him and ask if he can stop in once he's finished" Castiel said trying to come up with a solution before Hannah loses her patience "that would be great, I'll be in the back"

Castiel quickly took out his phone to text Sam

2:20pm - Hello Sam, it's Castiel from the coffee shop, my boss is here and she would like to meet you, would you be able to come here after school?

2:45pm - hey Cas, yeah, I'll ask my brother if he can bring me, hopefully he isn't too busy with work 😬

The use of Sam's emojis made him laugh but then the realization set in that he would be seeing the green eyed man in less than an hour and his boss was here so he needed to make sure not to flirt or get too flustered

"Charlie!" Castiel whispered after the customer she was serving left "what?" "Sam's coming to meet with Hannah and his brother's bringing him but you know how Hannah feels about dating customers" "you two are dating now?!?" "Shhhhhh! No but he always flirts with me whenever he comes in and I don't want Hannah to see"

"Just try to act normal, if Hannah questions then don't say anything incriminating" Charlie rubbed her best friend's arm "thank you Charlie" Castiel smiled at her "I ship it" she whispered excitedly "and moment over" Castiel went back to making coffee

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