Chapter 1 - Who's That Guy?

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Castiel Novak was an ordinary guy that nothing interesting ever happened to...or so he thought

December 1

"Welcome to Coffee from Heaven, where the coffee tastes heavenly, what can I get for you?" Castiel asked almost automatically when the door opened with that little noise the bell makes "I will get a handsome man with blue eyes and black hair"

"Haha very funny Charlie" Castiel rolled his eyes at his weird little red headed friend "you know you love me" Charlie smiled up at Castiel, kissing him on the cheek as she put on her work apron

"Unfortunately I do" "where's Kevin? I thought he had a shift this morning?" "He called in sick, again. Just because his mom is the owner of the building" Castiel sighed thinking about their lazy coworkers "you should take a break Cas, I'm the one that came in an hour late, you had to deal with a lot of people already" she looked out into the small-ish cafe where there were already people seated around drinking coffee and eating muffins

"If you say so, I'll just be in the back" "okie dokie bitch" she whispered the last part, their boss already gave her a warning about swearing, Castiel walked into the back room, before shutting the door he heard the door bell and Charlie saying their line, indicating that somebody came in

The back room functioned as their boss's office but Hannah never really came into work anyway so the workers used it as a break room seeing as it had a small, brown, couch in it already

There was a knock on the door "Cas?" Charlie whispered "what Charlie?" She opened the door "I have a question about our food..." her eyes darted towards the front area "what's wrong with our food?" "Well, a customer has a question that I'm not sure how to answer" "okay, okay" Cas sighed once again, he walked down the small hallway leading into the front area, Charlie following right behind him the whole time

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" Castiel asked the customer standing in front of the counter but he froze when he seen his eyes, they were perfect, a beautiful emerald yet forest green, the mans lips were full and pink, not a crack to be seen in them, his freckles very prominent in this lighting against his tan skin, dark blonde hair spiked almost like a hedgehog but softer looking

"I was just wondering if you guys have pie?" The man's voice was deep and when he spoke his eyebrows slightly raised, his face softened as if he was sorry for even asking that question

"Why yes we do, there is cherry, apple, pumpkin, pecan and banana cream" Castiel answered attempting to keep his cool

"I'll take a slice of apple and a slice of cherry to go please" the man smiled, his perfectly straight, white teeth shined and sparkled almost like how they would in a movie

"Alrighty, anything else?" "Two medium black coffees" he smiled at Castiel again "coming right up" he smiled back

The second one is probably for his girlfriend

"You know, I find when I want some flavour in my coffee, cinnamon goes best" Castiel told the man as he put the pie into to-go boxes

"I'll have to try that one day, remind me next time I come in" the man said as he took the pies and coffee, giving Castiel the crumpled up money "keep the change" he winked at Castiel then he walked right out the door, making the little bell go off

"Charlie!" "Yes Cas?" "You obviously know that we have pie" Castiel said to his best friend in his pretty bad interrogation voice "so why did you do that?" "He asked, his tone rising "because Cas, you deserve all the hot guys in the world and how else will you meet more of them if you hide in the back all of the time?" Cas rolled his eyes at Charlie for the second time within 20 minutes "you told me to go back there!" "And then I told you to come and flirt with the hot guy and it worked, he'll be back!" she clapped her hands while jumping up and down, her red curls bouncing with her, causing some people to give her some strange looks in the cafe and even some walking past on the street

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