Chapter 3 - The Date

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December 23

"Gabriel!! Please!!" Castiel whined over the phone to his little brother "Cas, I'm at school" "I know that but after, please cover for me" "come on Cassie, I was going to have a Netflix night" "I'm sorry Gabe but please, I already asked Charlie and Kevin but they both have plans already" "is Sam going to be there...?" Gabriel asked quietly "he has a shift tonight, yes" Castiel said in a hopeful voice "fine, I guess so, just because you have that stupid date" "thank you!!! You won't regret this!" *Bell rings* "dammit Cassie! You made me late for class!" *Click*

Castiel couldn't stop smiling, he already seen Dean this morning, and there is apparently a surprise planned for their date, now Gabriel is going to take his shift so he can get ready and go on this date with a gorgeous man, life can't get any better

"Welcome to Coffee from Heaven, where the coffee's heavenly, what can I get for you?" Before Castiel could even turn around he heard a familiar voice "hello angel, where's your dirty trenchcoat?" When he turned around there was his older brother "Balthy!!" He ran around the counter to hug the shaggy, blonde haired man "when did you get back!?!" Castiel couldn't believe what he was seeing "today, you had mentioned this place in our last email so I thought I would drop in and see if you were here" "I can't believe this Balth!" Castiel hugged him once again "what can I get for you? On the house." I will have a cup of earl grey tea please" he sat down at a chair near the counter

"Wow, moving to England sure has changed you, the old Balthazar would have been dying for a cup of coffee right now" "actually you know what Cassie, I will take a cup of coffee, you always made it the best" Castiel smiled, he was only 16 when his big brother moved away to study in England, Balthazar was only two years older than he was so they grew up close, him leaving completely wrecked Castiel, now, seeing him off the first time in 2 years was all he needed to make this day perfect

"Any plans for tonight? Or do you want to go out and party with me?" Balthazar wiggled his eyebrows "I'm so sorry Balth, I actually do have plans tonight, how long are you in town for?" "Til the new year, my flight's on the third" "well we have plenty of time to do things together" he slid the cup of coffee towards Balthazar "that we do- oh god Cas! This coffee really is heavenly, what the hell did you do?!" Balthazar took another long drink of his coffee "cinnamon" Castiel shrugged "I'm still perfecting the recipe but I'm hoping that when I do, it will taste better than heaven" Castiel started tidying up the small mess he made "you will have to make me this everyday that I am here"

"Promise, where are you staying anyway?" Castiel asked, tilting his head "With Michael and the boys until they kick me out, then perhaps with you" Balthazar raised his eyebrows at the last part of his sentence "of course, anytime Balthy"

The two brothers continued catching up, only stopping whenever a customer entered, until Gabriel arrived, unsurprisingly not late considering that Michael dropped him off

"See you tomorrow Cassie, that would be my ride" Balthazar waved at Castiel, he walked outside, hugged Gabriel and Michael then drove off, presumably to the Novak house

"Did you know Balthazar was coming?!" Gabriel asked quietly as he entered the somewhat busy cafe "no, I didn't" Castiel replied "I'm really happy that he's back" Gabriel had a soft yet sad smile on his face"what's wrong?" "I'm scared that Lucifer or Raphael will kick him out last time" Gabriel was upset and he wasn't hiding it "oh Gabe, I already told Balth that he can stay at my place if they do that again and you are welcome to come stay with me as well" Castiel pulled his little brother into a hug

"Are you going to be okay? Dean will be here any minute to drop off Sam, I can cancel if you need me to" he mumbled into his long, golden hair "no Cassie, just go, enjoy your date, that will make me happy" "okay, see you tomorrow Gabe, love you baby bro" Castiel kissed the top of his little brothers head "love you too Cassie" then he walked out to his car

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