🌔 Ep.2: Legend Of Gobblewonker 🌔

Start from the beginning

"Okay okay, open them up!" We heard stan say, taking off our blindfolds to reveal him standing in front of the lake. "Ta-da!!! It's fishing seasons!!"

Mabel raised an eyebrow. "Fishing?"

"What are you playing at, old man?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes.

"You're gonna love it, the whole town's out here!" He turned to face the lake, a smile on his face. "That's some quality family bonding time!"

"Grunkle Stan, why do you wanna 'bond' with us all of a sudden?"

"C'mon, this is gonna be great!!! I've never had fishing buddies before! The guys from the lodge won't go with me. They don't 'like' or 'trust' me. So what do you say?!?"

Mabel turned to me. "I think he actually wants to fish with us!"

"Hey, I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up." Stan pulled out t o fishing hats with our names knitted on them, placing them on our heads. "Pow!! Pines family fishing hats! That's... that's hand stitching, you know. It's just gonna be you three, me, and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours!!"

My blood ran cold. "Ten hours?!?"

"I brought the joke book~!!!"

"No, no!!!" I ran behind Mabel as he pulled out a book.

"There has to be a way out of this!" Mabel whispered to me in a panic.

That's when a strange voice began to yell, and we saw an old man running though the place while knocking down everything in sight. "I'd seen it!!! I'd seen it again!!! The Gravity Falls Gobblewonker!!! Come quick before it scrabdoodles away!!!"

"Aww, he's doing a happy jig!" Mabel pointed out, making the old man turn to us, his expression panicked.

"Nooo!!! It's a jig of grave danger!!!"

"Hey, hey!!! Now what have I told you about scaring my costumers?!?" One of the security guards scolded, spraying the old man with a bottle of water. "This is your last warning, dad!!"

"But I got proof this time back company!!!"

Mabel and I exchanged a glance before follow the crowd over to the dock, pointing at a small, broken boat. "Behold!!! It's the Gobbleywonker who done did it!!! It had a long neck like a gee-raffe, and wrinkly skin like uh.." He pointed at Stan. "Like this gentleman right here!!!"


"It shot my boat up into smither-runes and ship-shaped over to Scuttlebutt Island!!! You gotta believe me!!!"

The police officer then let out a laugh. "Attention all units, we've got ourselves a crazy old man."

Everyone else laughed after, all walking away and leaving the man by himself, before he too walked away saying strange words that I didn't understand.

"Well, that happened." Stan then climbed into his boat. "Now let's untie this boat and get out on that lake!"

However, I had other plans. "Mabel, did you hear what the old dude said?!"

"Oh donkey spittle!"

"No, the other thing! About the monster! If we snag photo of it, we can split the prize fifty-fifty!"

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now